►Neastl | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_hashable | |
Cis_hashable< T, decltype(void(&T::ToHash))> | |
Chash | |
Chash< pair< T, U > > | |
Chash< span< T > > | |
Chash< T, typename enable_if< detail::is_hashable< T >::value >::type > | |
Chash< tuple< T... > > | |
Chash< unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Predicate, Allocator, bCacheHashCode > > | |
Chash< vector< T, Allocator > > | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< ea::string > | |
Cformatter< ea::string_view > | |
Cformatter< T, char, ea::enable_if_t< ea::is_enum_v< T > > > | |
►NUrho3D | |
►NActions | |
CActionCallHandler | Internal helper class for invoking action handler functions |
CActionCallHandlerImpl | Template implementation of the action handler invoke helper (stores a function pointer of specific class) |
CActionEase | Base action state |
CActionInstant | Finite time action |
CActionInstantState | Finite time action state |
CActionState | |
CAttributeAction | Finite time action |
CAttributeActionState | Attribute action state |
CAttributeBlink | Animate attribute between two values |
CAttributeBlinkState | |
CAttributeFromTo | Animate attribute between two values |
CAttributeTo | Animate attribute between current and provided value |
CBaseAction | Base action state |
CBlink | Blink target by toggling "Is Enabled" attribute. The Target should have "Is Enabled" attribute |
CCallFunc | |
CDelayTime | Action that does nothing but waits |
CDisable | Hide target. The Target should have "Is Enabled" attribute |
CEaseBackIn | |
CEaseBackInOut | |
CEaseBackOut | |
CEaseBounceIn | |
CEaseBounceInOut | |
CEaseBounceOut | |
CEaseElastic | ElasticIn easing action |
CEaseElasticIn | |
CEaseElasticInOut | |
CEaseElasticOut | |
CEaseExponentialIn | |
CEaseExponentialInOut | |
CEaseExponentialOut | |
CEaseSineIn | |
CEaseSineInOut | |
CEaseSineOut | |
CEnable | Show target. The Target should have "Is Enabled" attribute |
CFiniteTimeAction | Finite time action |
CFiniteTimeActionState | Finite time action state |
CHide | Hide target. The Target should have "Is Visible" attribute |
CJumpBy | Move instantly by 3D offset action. Target should have attribute "Position" of type Vector3 or IntVector3 |
CMoveBy | Move by 3D or 2D offset action. Target should have attribute "Position" of type Vector3, Vector2, IntVector2 or IntVector3 |
CMoveByQuadratic | |
CParallel | Set of actions to be executed in parallel |
CRemoveSelf | Remove self from parent. The Target of the action should be either Node or UIElement |
CRepeat | Repeat inner action several times |
CRepeatForever | Repeat inner action forever |
CRotateAround | Rotate around 3D point action. Target should have "Position" of type Vector3 and "Rotation" of type Quaternion attributes |
CRotateBy | Rotate by 3D delta action. Target should have attribute "Rotation" of type Quaternion |
CScaleBy | Scale by 3D offset action. Target should have attribute "Scale" of type Vector3 |
CSendEvent | Send event on target node |
CSequence | Sequence of actions |
CSetAttributeState | |
CShaderParameterAction | Animate shader parameter |
CShaderParameterFromTo | Animate shader parameter from one value to another |
CShaderParameterTo | Animate shader parameter from current value to another |
CShow | Show target. The Target should have "Is Visible" attribute |
►NDetail | |
CActionMapping | |
CControllerAxisMapping | Helper class to translate controller axis |
CControllerButtonMapping | Helper class to translate controller buttons |
CControllerHatMapping | Helper class to translate controller hat position |
CCustomEventListener | |
CDefaultSerializer | Default callback for value serialization: use SerializeValue |
CDefaultTypeCaster | Default converter: any type to/from any type |
CEnumStringCaster | Enum to/from string |
CEnumStringCaster< unsigned > | |
CEnumStringSafeCaster | |
CEnumStringSafeCaster< unsigned > | |
CInterpolatedConstSpan | Helper class to interpolate value spans |
CKeyboardKeyMapping | Helper class to translate keyboard keys |
CMemberFunctionTraits | |
CMemberFunctionTraits< Return(Object::*)(Args...) const > | |
CMemberFunctionTraits< Return(Object::*)(Args...)> | |
CMouseButtonMapping | Helper class to translate mouse button |
CNavigableInstancer | Implementation of RmlUi decorator instancer for RmlNavigable |
CNavigateEventListener | |
►CNetworkValueBase | Base class for NetworkValue and NetworkValueVector |
CInterpolationBase | |
CPipeEventListener | |
CPrioritySignalSubscription | Signal subscription data with priority |
CRmlContext | For internal use only! Helper class used to associate instance of RmlUI with Rml::Context |
CRmlFile | |
CRmlRenderer | |
CRmlSystem | |
CScreenButtonMapping | Helper class to translate UI button to input value |
CSharedPtrBase | Base class for shared pointer |
CSharedPtrBase< InterfaceType, InterfaceType, void > | |
CSharedPtrBase< InterfaceType, RefCounted, ea::enable_if_t<!IsRefCountedType< InterfaceType > > > | |
CSignalBase | Base signal type |
CSignalSubscription | Signal subscription data without priority |
CSoundEventListener | |
CStringHashCaster | String hash to/from string |
►NParticleGraphNodes | |
CAdd | |
CAddInstance | |
CApplyForce | |
CApplyForceInstance | |
CAttribute | Operation on attribute |
CBounce | |
CBounceInstance | |
CBox | |
CBoxInstance | |
CBreak | |
CBreakInstance | |
CBreakInstance< Quaternion, float, float, float, float > | |
CBreakInstance< Quaternion, Vector3, float > | |
CBreakInstance< Vector2, float, float > | |
CBreakInstance< Vector3, float, float, float > | |
CBurstTimer | |
CBurstTimerInstance | |
CCast | |
CCastInstance | |
CCircle | |
CCircleInstance | |
CClamp | |
CClampInstance | |
CClampInstance< float, float > | |
CCone | |
CConeInstance | |
►CConstant | Operation on attribute |
CInstance | |
CCurlNoise3D | |
CCurlNoise3DInstance | |
►CCurve | Sample curve operator |
CInstance | |
CDestroy | |
CDestroyInstance | |
CDivide | |
CDivideInstance | |
CEffectTime | |
CEffectTimeInstance | |
CEmit | |
CEmitInstance | |
CEmitterPosition | |
CEmitterPositionInstance | |
CEmitterRotation | |
CEmitterRotationInstance | |
CEmitterScale | |
CEmitterScaleInstance | |
CExpire | |
CExpireInstance | |
►CGetAttribute | Get particle attribute value |
CInstance | |
CGetPinType | |
CGetPinType< ParticleGraphTypedPin< T > > | |
►CGetUniform | Get particle attribute value |
CInstance | |
CHemisphere | |
CHemisphereInstance | |
CLength | |
CLengthInstance | |
CLerp | |
CLerpInstance | |
CLimitVelocity | |
CLimitVelocityInstance | |
CLocalToWorld | |
CLocalToWorldInstance | |
CMake | |
CMakeInstance | |
CMakeInstance< Value0, Value1, Value2 > | |
CMakeInstance< Value0, Value1, Value2, Value3 > | |
CMove | |
CMoveInstance | |
CMultiply | |
CMultiplyInstance | |
CNegate | |
CNegateInstance | |
CNodePattern | |
CNoise3D | |
CNoise3DInstance | |
CNormalized | |
CNormalizedEffectTime | |
CNormalizedEffectTimeInstance | |
CNormalizedInstance | |
►CPatternMatchingNode | Graph node that adapts to input pins dynamically |
CInstance | |
►CPrint | Operation on attribute |
CInstance | |
►CRandom | Operation on attribute |
CInstance | |
CRenderBillboard | |
CRenderBillboardInstance | |
CRenderMesh | |
CRenderMeshDrawable | |
CRenderMeshInstance | |
►CSetAttribute | Set particle attribute value |
CInstance | |
►CSetUniform | Set particle attribute value |
CInstance | |
CSlerp | |
CSlerpInstance | |
CSphere | |
CSphereInstance | |
CSubtract | |
CSubtractInstance | |
►CTemplateNode | Template for a particle graph node class |
CInstanceBase | |
CTimeStep | |
CTimeStepInstance | |
CTimeStepScale | |
CTimeStepScaleInstance | |
CUniform | Operation on attribute |
CWorldToLocal | |
CWorldToLocalInstance | |
►NSpriter | |
CAnimation | Animation |
CBoneTimelineKey | Bone timeline key |
CCharacterMap | Character map |
CEntity | Entity |
CFile | File |
CFolder | Folder |
CMainlineKey | Mainline key |
CMapInstruction | Map instruction |
CRef | Ref |
CSpatialInfo | Spatial info |
CSpatialTimelineKey | Spatial timeline key |
CSpriterData | Spriter data |
CSpriterInstance | Spriter instance |
CSpriteTimelineKey | Sprite timeline key |
CTimeline | Timeline |
CTimelineKey | Timeline key |
►NWidgets | |
CEditVariantOptions | Parameters for rendering arbitrary variant value |
CItemLabelScopeGuard | Render ItemLabel with scope guard of the same name |
CAbstractConnection | |
CAbstractFile | A common root class for objects that implement both Serializer and Deserializer |
CActionBuilder | Action as resource |
►CActionManager | Action manager |
CHashElement | |
CActionSet | Action as resource |
CAllContentOctreeQuery | |
CAllocator | Allocator template class. Allocates objects of a specific class |
CAllocatorBlock | Allocator memory block |
CAllocatorNode | Allocator node |
CAlwaysSerialize | Placeholder that doesn't represent any object in SerializeOptionalValue |
►CAmbientOcclusionPass | Post-processing pass that adjusts HDR scene exposure |
CParameters | |
CPipelineStateCache | |
CTextureCache | |
CAnimatable | Base class for animatable object, an animatable object can be set animation on it's attributes, or can be set an object animation to it |
CAnimatedAttributeReference | Reference to attribute or sub-attribute; |
CAnimatedModel | Animated model component |
CAnimatedSprite2D | Animated sprite component, it uses to play animation created by Spine (http://www.esotericsoftware.com) and Spriter (http://www.brashmonkey.com/) |
CAnimation | |
►CAnimationController | Component that drives an AnimatedModel's animations |
CAnimationInstance | Currently playing animations |
CAnimationInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit animation |
CAnimationKeyFrame | |
CAnimationParameters | State and parameters of playing Animation |
CAnimationSet2D | Spriter animation set, it includes one or more animations, for more information please refer to http://www.esotericsoftware.com and http://www.brashmonkey.com/spriter.htm |
CAnimationState | Animation instance |
CAnimationStateSource | |
CAnimationTrack | |
CAnimationTriggerPoint | Animation trigger point |
►CAnimationVelocityExtractor | Asset transformer that extracts velocity from movement animations |
CExtractedTrackSet | |
CApplication | Base class for creating applications which initialize the Urho3D engine and run a main loop until exited |
CApplicationFlavor | Class that represents specific set of flavor components |
CApplicationFlavorPattern | Class that represents pattern of flavor components |
CApplicationState | Base class for an application state. Examples of a state would be a loading screen, a menu or a game screen |
CArchive | |
CArchiveBase | Archive implementation helper. Provides default Archive implementation for most cases |
CArchiveBaseT | Archive implementation helper (template). Provides default block-dependent Archive implementation for most cases |
CArchiveBlock | Archive block scope guard |
CArchiveBlockBase | Base implementation of ArchiveBlock. May contain inline blocks |
CArchiveException | |
CAreaAllocator | Rectangular area allocator |
CArray2D | 2D array template |
CArrayDimensions2D | 2D indexing utilities for row-major 2D array |
CAssetPipeline | Resource containing an array of AssetTransformer-s |
CAssetTransformer | |
CAssetTransformerDependency | |
►CAssetTransformerHierarchy | |
CDependencyGraphNode | |
►CTreeNode | |
CByName | |
CAssetTransformerInput | Transformer execution inputs (should be serializable on its own) |
CAssetTransformerOutput | Transformer execution result (should be serializable on its own) |
CAsyncProgress | Asynchronous loading progress of a scene |
CAttributeAccessor | Abstract base class for invoking attribute accessors |
CAttributeAnimationInfo | Attribute animation instance |
CAttributeAnimationStateTrack | Value track applied to the specific attribute or sub-attribute |
CAttributeHandle | |
CAttributeHookContext | |
CAttributeInfo | Description of an automatically serializable variable |
CAttributePrefab | |
CAudio | Audio subsystem |
►CAutoExposurePass | Post-processing pass that adjusts HDR scene exposure |
CCachedStates | |
CCachedTextures | |
CParameters | |
CAxisAdapter | Helper class to transform axis value |
CBackgroundLoader | |
CBackgroundLoadItem | Queue item for background loading of a resource |
CBackToFrontScenePass | Scene pass with batches sorted by render order and distance back to front |
CBakedLight | Baked light description |
CBakedLightCache | Lightmap cache interface |
CBakedLightmap | Baked lightmap data |
CBakedLightMemoryCache | Memory lightmap cache |
CBakedSceneBackground | Scene background description |
CBakedSceneChunk | Baking chunk. Contains everything to bake light for given chunk |
CBakedSceneCollector | |
CBase64InputArchive | Base64 input archive |
CBase64OutputArchive | Base64 output archive |
CBaseWidget | SystemUI base class for a widget |
CBatchCompositor | Batch composition manager |
CBatchCompositorPass | Batch compositor for single scene pass |
CBatchRenderer | Utility class to convert pipeline batches into sequence of draw commands |
CBatchRendererSettings | |
CBatchRenderingContext | Common parameters of batch rendering |
CBatchStateCache | Pipeline state cache for RenderPipeline batches |
CBatchStateCacheCallback | Pipeline state cache callback used to create actual pipeline state |
CBatchStateCreateContext | External context that is not present in the key but is necessary to create new pipeline state |
CBatchStateCreateKey | |
CBatchStateLookupKey | |
►CBehaviorNetworkObject | |
CConnectedNetworkBehavior | |
CBiasParameters | Depth bias parameters. Used both by lights (for shadow mapping) and materials |
CBillboard | |
CBillboardSet | Billboard component |
CBinaryArchiveBase | Base archive for binary serialization |
CBinaryFile | Resource for generic binary file |
CBinaryInputArchive | Binary input archive |
CBinaryInputArchiveBlock | Binary input archive block |
CBinaryOutputArchive | Binary output archive |
CBinaryOutputArchiveBlock | Binary output archive block |
►CBloomPass | Post-processing pass that applies bloom to scene |
CParameters | |
CPipelineStateCache | |
CTextureCache | |
CBone | |
CBoneView | Bone of Model skeleton, unpacked for easy editing |
CBorderImage | Image UI element with optional border |
CBoundingBox | |
CBoxOctreeQuery | |
CBufferedSoundStream | Sound stream that supports manual buffering of data from the main thread |
CButton | Push button UI element |
CButtonCommand | |
CCachedBatchState | Pipeline state cache entry. May be invalid |
CCachedDrawableReflection | Cached info about current static reflection probe |
CCachedDrawableZone | Cached info about current zone |
CCachedUIBatchState | Pipeline state UI batch cache entry. May be invalid |
►CCamera | Camera component |
CCachedProjection | Cached projection data |
CCachedViewProj | Cached view-projection matrix |
CCameraOperator | Helper component that tracks points in world space and updates camera position |
CCameraProcessor | Utility to process render camera (not cull camera!) |
CCascadeParameters | |
CCharLocation | Cached character location and size within text. Used for queries related to text editing |
CCheckBox | UI element that can be toggled between unchecked and checked state |
CCircle | Circle in three-dimensional space |
CClientInputStatistics | Utility to evaluate client input quality and preferred input buffering |
CClientNetworkCallback | |
CClientReplica | Client part of ReplicationManager subsystem |
CClientReplicaClock | |
CClientReplicationState | Scene replication state specific to individual client connection |
CClientSynchronizationState | Clock synchronization state specific to individual client connection |
►CClockSynchronizer | |
CPendingPing | |
CPendingPong | |
CClockSynchronizerMessage | |
CCollisionBox2D | 2D box collision component |
CCollisionChain2D | 2D chain collision component |
CCollisionCircle2D | 2D circle collision component |
CCollisionEdge2D | 2D edge collision component |
CCollisionGeometryData | Base class for collision shape geometry data |
CCollisionPolygon2D | 2D polygon collision component |
CCollisionShape | Physics collision shape component |
CCollisionShape2D | 2D collision shape component |
►CColor | RGBA color |
CChannelMask | Mask describing color channels |
CColorFrame | |
CColorScopeGuard | |
CCommonFrameInfo | Common parameters of rendered frame |
CComponent | |
CCompressedLevel | Compressed image mip level |
CCondition | Condition on which a thread can wait |
►CConfigFile | A class responsible for serializing configuration parameters |
CConfigFlavor | |
CConfigVariableDefinition | Configuration parameter description |
CConnection | Connection to a remote network host |
►CConsole | Console window with log history and command line prompt |
CLogEntry | |
CConstraint | Physics constraint component. Connects two rigid bodies together, or one rigid body to a static point |
CConstraint2D | 2D physics constraint component |
CConstraintDistance2D | 2D distance constraint component |
CConstraintFriction2D | 2D friction constraint component |
CConstraintGear2D | 2D gear constraint component |
CConstraintMotor2D | 2D motor constraint component |
CConstraintMouse2D | 2D mouse constraint component |
CConstraintPrismatic2D | 2D prismatic constraint component |
CConstraintPulley2D | 2D pulley constraint component |
CConstraintRevolute2D | 2D revolute constraint component |
CConstraintRope2D | 2D rope constraint component |
CConstraintWeld2D | 2D weld constraint component |
CConstraintWheel2D | 2D wheel constraint component |
CConstString | |
CContext | Urho3D execution context. Provides access to subsystems, object factories and attributes, and event receivers |
CConvexData | Convex hull geometry data |
CCookedLightParams | |
CCrowdAgent | Crowd agent component, requires a CrowdManager component in the scene. When not set explicitly, agent's radius and height are defaulted to navigation mesh's agent radius and height, respectively |
CCrowdManager | Crowd manager scene component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
CCrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams | |
►CCubemapRenderer | Utility class that handles cubemap rendering from scene |
CCachedPipelineStates | |
CCubemapRenderingSettings | |
CCubemapUpdateParameters | |
CCubemapUpdateResult | |
CCursor | Mouse cursor UI element |
CCursorShapeInfo | Cursor image and hotspot information |
CCustomBackbufferTexture | Maintains texture usable as custom backbuffer |
CCustomGeometry | Custom geometry component |
CCustomGeometryVertex | |
CCustomVariantValue | |
CCustomVariantValueImpl | Custom variant value implementation |
CCustomVariantValueTraits | Custom variant value type traits. Specialize the template to implement custom type behavior |
CCustomVariantValueTraits< ea::unique_ptr< T > > | Custom variant value type traits for unique_ptr |
CDataChannelConnection | |
CDataChannelServer | |
CDDColorKey | DirectDraw color key definition |
CDDPixelFormat | DirectDraw pixel format definition |
CDDSCaps2 | DirectDraw surface capabilities |
CDDSHeader10 | |
CDDSurfaceDesc2 | DirectDraw surface description |
CDebugFrameSnapshot | |
CDebugFrameSnapshotBatch | |
CDebugFrameSnapshotPass | |
CDebugFrameSnapshotQuad | |
CDebugHud | Displays rendering stats and profiling information |
CDebugLine | Debug rendering line |
CDebugRenderer | Debug geometry rendering component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
CDebugTriangle | Debug render triangle |
CDecal | One decal in a decal set |
CDecalSet | Decal renderer component |
CDecalVertex | Decal vertex |
►CDefaultBakedSceneCollector | Standard scene collector for light baking |
CChunkData | Chunk data |
►CDefaultRenderPipelineView | Default implementation of render pipeline instance |
CDeferredLightingData | |
CDefaultUIBatchStateCache | Default implementation of UIBatchStateCache |
CDelayedWorldTransform | Delayed world transform assignment for parented rigidbodies |
CDelayedWorldTransform2D | Delayed world transform assignment for parented 2D rigidbodies |
CDepthValue | Occlusion hierarchy depth value |
CDeserializer | |
►CDirectionAggregator | Class to aggregate all movement inputs into a single direction vector |
CAxisState | |
CDirectionalLightShadowCasterQuery | Frustum query for directional light shadow casters |
►CDirectionalPadAdapter | |
CAggregatedState | |
CDirectLightTracingSettings | Parameters of direct light tracing |
CDistanceAndNormal | |
CDragDropPayload | Base class for drag&drop payload |
CDrawable | Base class for visible components |
CDrawable2D | Base class for 2D visible components |
►CDrawableProcessor | Utility used to update and process visible or shadow caster Drawables |
CUpdateFlag | |
►CDrawableProcessorPass | |
CAddBatchResult | |
CDrawableProcessorSettings | |
CDrawQuadParams | |
CDropDownList | Menu UI element that displays a popup list view |
CDummyMutex | No-op mutex. Useful for template code |
CDynamicIndexBuffer | Index Buffer of dynamic size. Resize policy is similar to standard vector |
CDynamicModule | A class managing lifetime of dynamically loaded library module |
CDynamicNavBuildData | |
CDynamicNavigationMesh | |
CDynamicVertexBuffer | Vertex Buffer of dynamic size. Resize policy is similar to standard vector |
CEdgeStoppingGaussFilterParameters | Parameters for indirect light filtering |
CEmissionLightTracingSettings | Parameters of emission light tracing |
CEmptyObject | Placeholder that represents any empty object as default value in SerializeOptionalValue |
CEmptySerializableObject | Placeholder object that can be serialized as nothing |
CEngine | Urho3D engine. Creates the other subsystems |
CEnumArray | Fixed-size array indexed by enum |
CEventHandler | Internal helper class for invoking event handler functions |
CEventReceiverGroup | Tracking structure for event receivers |
CFile | File opened either through the filesystem or from within a package file |
CFileChange | File change information |
CFileIdentifier | |
CFileSelector | File selector dialog |
CFileSelectorEntry | File selector's list entry (file or directory) |
CFileSystem | Subsystem for file and directory operations and access control |
CFileSystemEntry | Description of file system entry (file or directory) with hierarchy information |
CFileSystemReflection | Utility class that watches all files in ResourceCache |
►CFileWatcher | Watches a directory and its subdirectories for files being modified |
CTimedFileChange | |
CFilteredByDistance | |
CFilteredUint | Utility class to filter random uint value which mostly stays the same |
CFlagSet | A set of flags defined by an Enum |
CFocusParameters | |
CFont | Font resource |
CFontFace | Font face description |
CFontFaceBitmap | Bitmap font face description |
CFontFaceFreeType | Free type font face description |
CFontGlyph | Font glyph description |
CFrameInfo | Rendering frame update parameters |
CFrameStatistics | |
►CFreeFlyController | |
CMovement | |
CFrustum | Convex constructed of 6 planes |
CFrustumOctreeQuery | |
►CFullScreenShaderPass | Render pass that applied shader to the entire output area |
CAttributes | |
CCache | |
CGCHandleRef | Object that manages lifetime of gc handle |
CGeometry | Defines one or more vertex buffers, an index buffer and a draw range |
CGeometryBatch | Reference to SourceBatch of Drawable geometry, with resolved material passes |
CGeometryBufferPreprocessSettings | Settings for geometry buffer preprocessing |
CGeometryDesc | Description of a geometry for asynchronous loading |
CGeometryIDToObjectMapping | Used for mapping between geometry ID in geometry buffer and actual geometry |
CGeometryLODView | Level of detail of Model geometry, unpacked for easy editing |
CGeometryRenderFlag | |
CGeometryView | Model geometry, unpacked for easy editing |
CGImpactMeshData | Triangle mesh geometry data |
CGlobalIllumination | Global illumination manager |
CGLTFImporter | |
CGLTFImporterCallback | |
►CGLTFImporterSettings | |
CPreviewSettings | Settings that affect only preview scene |
CGlyphLocation | |
CGraph | Abstract graph to store connected nodes |
CGraphDataPin | Abstract graph data flow node pin. Has pin type |
CGraphEnterPin | Graph node execution flow "enter" pin. May be connected to multiple exit pins |
CGraphExitPin | Graph node execution flow "exit" pin. May be connected to one "enter" pins |
CGraphics | Graphics subsystem. Manages the application window, rendering state and GPU resources |
CGraphicsSettings | Graphics settings that should be configured before initialization |
CGraphInPin | Graph node pin with connection |
CGraphNode | Graph node |
CGraphNodeProperty | |
CGraphOutPin | Graph node pin that connects to other pins |
CGraphPin | Abstract graph node pin |
CGraphPinRef | |
CHeightfieldData | Heightfield geometry data |
CHighPrecisionSphere | Sphere with double precision components |
CHighPrecisionVector3 | 3-vector with double precision |
CHiresTimer | High-resolution operating system timer used in profiling |
CHttpRequest | |
CIDFamily | Family of unique indices for template type |
CIdScopeGuard | |
►CIKArmSolver | |
CLocalCache | |
CIKChain | Base class for generic IK chain |
CIKChainSolver | |
CIKEyeChain | Two-segment IK chain for eyes |
CIKFabrikChain | Generic unconstrained FABRIK chain |
►CIKHeadSolver | |
CLocalCache | |
CIKIdentitySolver | |
►CIKLegSolver | |
CLocalCache | |
►CIKLimbSolver | |
CLocalCache | |
CIKNode | |
CIKNodeSegment | Fixed-length segment that consists of two nodes |
CIKRotateTo | |
CIKSettings | Aggregated settings of the IK solver |
CIKSolver | |
►CIKSolverComponent | Base component for all IK solvers |
CBendCalculationParams | |
CIKSpineChain | Uniformly bending IK chain |
►CIKSpineSolver | |
CLocalCache | |
►CIKStickTargets | |
CTargetInfo | |
CIKTargetExtractor | Asset transformer that extracts IK targets from the animation |
CIKTrigonometricChain | Trigonometric two-segment IK chain |
CImage | Image resource |
CImageCube | Cube texture resource |
CImGuiDiligentRendererEx | |
CIncrementalLightBaker | Incremental light baker |
CIncrementalLightBakerSettings | Incremental light baker settings |
CIncrementalLightBakerStatus | |
CIndexAllocator | Utility to assign unique non-zero IDs to objects. Thread-safe |
CIndexBuffer | Hardware index buffer |
CIndexBufferDesc | Description of index buffer data for asynchronous loading |
CIndexInTuple | Helper class to get index of type in tuple |
CIndexInTuple< T, ea::tuple< T, Types... > > | |
CIndexInTuple< T, ea::tuple< U, Types... > > | |
CIndexInTuple< T, std::tuple< Types... > > | |
CIndirectLightTracingSettings | Parameters of indirect light tracing |
CInput | Input subsystem. Converts operating system window messages to input state and events |
CInputMap | |
CInstancingBuffer | Instancing buffer compositor |
CInstancingBufferSettings | |
CInternalReflectionProbeData | Cached internal structure for reflection probe search |
CIntRect | Two-dimensional bounding rectangle with integer values |
CIntRectIterator | Iterator that iterates through all elements of IntRect row-by-row |
CIntVector2 | Two-dimensional vector with integer values |
CIntVector3 | Three-dimensional vector with integer values |
CIteratorRange | Helper class to iterate over the range |
CJoystickState | |
CJSONArchiveBase | Base archive for JSON serialization |
CJSONFile | JSON document resource |
CJSONInputArchive | JSON input archive |
CJSONInputArchiveBlock | JSON input archive block |
CJSONOutputArchive | JSON output archive |
CJSONOutputArchiveBlock | JSON output archive block |
CJSONValue | JSON value class |
CKeyFrameSet | |
CKinematicCharacterController | |
CLANDiscoveryManager | |
CLight | Light component |
CLightAccumulator | Accumulated light for forward rendering |
CLightAccumulatorContext | Common parameters for light accumulation |
CLightBaker | Light baker component |
CLightBakingSettings | Aggregated light baking settings |
CLightCalculationProperties | Light calculation properties that can be used to adjust result |
CLightDataForAccumulator | Light parameters needed to calculate SH lighting |
CLightGeometryQueryResult | Result of light query for drawable |
CLightmapChart | Lightmap chart description |
CLightmapChartBakedDirect | Direct light accumulated for given lightmap chart |
CLightmapChartBakedIndirect | Indirect light accumulated for given lightmap chart |
CLightmapChartElement | Individual element of the lightmap chart |
CLightmapChartGeometryBuffer | Lightmap geometry buffer of lightmap chart |
CLightmapChartingSettings | Lightmap chart allocation settings |
CLightmapChartRegion | Region on the lightmap chart |
CLightmapGeometryBakingScene | Baking scene for single lightmap chart |
CLightmapGeometryBakingScenesArray | Baking scenes for the set of lightmap charts |
CLightmapGeometryBakingSettings | Lightmap geometry buffer baking settings |
CLightmapRenderPipelineView | RenderPipeline used to render geometry buffer for lightmap baking |
CLightmapSeam | Lightmap seam description |
CLightmapStitchingContext | Stiching context |
CLightmapStitchingSettings | Lightmap stitching settings |
CLightmapUVGenerationSettings | Lightmap UV generation settings |
CLightProbe | Light probe description |
CLightProbeCollection | Light probes from multiple light probe groups |
CLightProbeCollectionBakedData | Light probe baked data |
CLightProbeCollectionForBaking | Light probe collection with extra data needed for baking |
CLightProbeGroup | Light probe group |
CLightProcessor | Manages light parameters, lit geometries, shadow splits and shadow casters |
►CLightProcessorCache | Cache of light processors |
CCachedLightProcessor | |
CLightProcessorCacheSettings | |
CLightProcessorCallback | Light processor callback |
CLineEdit | Single-line text editor UI element |
CListView | Scrollable list UI element |
CLocalization | Localization subsystem. Stores all the strings in all languages |
CLog | Logging subsystem |
CLogger | Forwards a message to underlying logger. Use Log::GetLogger to obtain instance of this class |
CLogicComponent | Helper base class for user-defined game logic components that hooks up to update events and forwards them to virtual functions similar to ScriptInstance class |
CMainPluginApplication | Similar to PluginApplication, but can act as entry point |
CManifoldPair | Manifold pointers stored during collision processing |
CMaterial | Describes how to render 3D geometries |
►CMaterialInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit materials |
CPropertyDesc | |
CTechniqueDesc | |
CTextureUnitDesc | |
CMaterialShaderParameter | Material's shader parameter definition |
CMaterialTexture | |
CMatrix2 | 2x2 matrix for rotation and scaling |
CMatrix3 | 3x3 matrix for rotation and scaling |
CMatrix3x4 | 3x4 matrix for scene node transform calculations |
CMatrix4 | 4x4 matrix for arbitrary linear transforms including projection |
CMemoryBuffer | |
CMenu | Menu UI element that optionally shows a popup |
CMessageBox | Message box dialog. Manages its lifetime automatically, so the application does not need to hold a reference to it, and shouldn't attempt to destroy it manually |
CMicrophone | Microphone audio input device. Uses are for speech recognition or network speech, not intended for high quality recording usage |
CModel | 3D model resource |
CModelAnimationOutput | Output that aggregates all ModelAnimationStateTrack-s targeted at the same bone |
CModelAnimationStateTrack | |
CModelInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit models |
CModelMorph | Definition of a model's vertex morph |
CModelMorphView | Represents metadata of model morph |
CModelVertex | |
CModelVertexFormat | Model vertex format, unpacked for easy editing |
CModelVertexMorph | Morph of ModelVertex |
CModelView | |
CModulePlugin | Plugin that is loaded from a native or managed dynamic library |
CMountedAliasRoot | Mount point that provides named aliases to other mount points |
CMountedDirectory | Stores files of a directory tree sequentially for convenient access |
CMountedExternalMemory | Lightweight mount point that provides read-only access to the externally managed memory |
CMountedRoot | Lightweight mount point that provides read-only access to the externally managed memory |
CMountPoint | Access to engine file system mount point |
CMountPointGuard | Helper class to mount and unmount an object automatically |
CMovableNonCopyable | Helper to declare non-copyable but movable class |
CMoveAndOrbitComponent | |
CMoveAndOrbitController | |
CMsgConfigure | |
CMsgSceneClock | |
CMsgSynchronized | |
CMultiFileWatcher | Watches a set of directories for files being modified |
►CMultitouchAdapter | |
CActiveTouch | |
►CMultiVector | Vector of vectors |
CBaseIterator | Iterator base |
CMutex | Operating system mutual exclusion primitive |
CMutexLock | Lock that automatically acquires and releases a mutex |
CNamedPipe | Named pipe for interprocess communication |
CNavArea | |
CNavAreaStub | Navigation area stub |
CNavBuildData | Navigation build data |
CNavigable | Component which tags geometry for inclusion in the navigation mesh. Optionally auto-includes geometry from child nodes |
CNavigationGeometryInfo | Description of a navigation mesh geometry component, with transform and bounds information |
CNavigationMesh | Navigation mesh component. Collects the navigation geometry from child nodes with the Navigable component and responds to path queries |
CNavigationPathPoint | |
CNetwork | Network subsystem. Manages client-server communications using the UDP protocol |
CNetworkBehavior | |
CNetworkCallback | Aggregate network-related callbacks used by NetworkObject and NetworkBehavior |
CNetworkConnection | |
CNetworkObject | |
CNetworkObjectRegistry | Part of ReplicationManager used by both client and server, and referenced by components |
CNetworkServer | |
CNetworkSetting | |
CNetworkTime | |
CNetworkValue | |
►CNetworkValueSampler | |
CInterpolationCache | |
CTimeAndValue | |
CNetworkValueTraits | |
CNetworkValueTraits< Quaternion > | |
CNetworkValueTraits< ValueWithDerivative< Quaternion > > | |
CNetworkValueTraits< ValueWithDerivative< T > > | |
CNetworkValueVector | Similar to NetworkValue, except each frame contains an array of elements |
CNodeAnimationOutput | Output that aggregates all NodeAnimationStateTrack-s targeted at the same node |
CNodeAnimationStateTrack | Transform track applied to the Node that is not used as Bone for AnimatedModel |
CNodeComponentDragDropPayload | Drag&drop payload containing nodes and components |
CNodeInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit materials |
CNodePrefab | |
CNonCopyable | Helper to declare non-copyable and non-movable class |
CNumericRange | Numerical range (pair of min and max value). Invalid if flipped |
CObject | |
CObjectAnimation | Object animation class, an object animation include one or more attribute animations and theirs wrap mode and speed for an Animatable object |
CObjectReflection | Reflection of a class derived from Object |
CObjectReflectionRegistry | Registry of Object reflections |
CObjectRevisionTracker | |
CObstacle | Obstacle for dynamic navigation mesh |
COcclusionBatch | Stored occlusion render job |
COcclusionBuffer | Software renderer for occlusion |
COcclusionBufferData | Per-thread occlusion buffer data |
COcclusionBufferSettings | |
COctant | |
COctree | Octree component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
COctreeQuery | Base class for octree queries |
COctreeQueryResult | General octree query result. Used for Lua bindings only |
COffMeshConnection | A link between otherwise unconnected regions of the navigation mesh |
COggVorbisSoundStream | Ogg Vorbis sound stream |
►COpenXR | |
CExtensionFeatures | |
CTemporaryStorage | Temporary storage for internal structures |
COpenXRActionGroup | Implementation of XRActionGroup for OpenXR |
COpenXRBinding | Implementation of XRBinding for OpenXR |
COpenXRControllerModel | Wrapper to load and manage wand models |
COpenXRSwapChain | Interface that wraps OpenXR swap chain and integrates it with the engine rendering API |
COpenXRTweaks | Tweaks that should be applied before graphics initialization |
►COutlineGroup | Group of selected drawables |
CMaterialKey | |
►COutlineRenderPass | Post-processing pass that renders outline from color buffer |
CPipelineStateCache | |
COutlineScenePass | |
CPackageDownload | Package file receive transfer |
CPackageEntry | File entry within the package file |
CPackageFile | Stores files of a directory tree sequentially for convenient access |
CPackageUpload | Package file send transfer |
CPackedComponentData | Packed component data |
CPackedNodeComponentData | Packed nodes and components |
CPackedNodeData | Packed node data |
CPackedSceneData | Packed Scene as whole |
CPackedSceneSelection | Packed selected nodes and components |
CParicleGraphUniform | |
CParticle | One particle in the particle system |
CParticle2D | 2D particle |
CParticleEffect | Particle effect definition |
CParticleEffect2D | 2D particle effect resource |
CParticleEmitter | Particle emitter component |
CParticleEmitter2D | 2D particle emitter component |
CParticleGraph | |
►CParticleGraphAttributeLayout | Memory layout for attributes |
CAttrSpan | Attribute layout |
►CParticleGraphBufferLayout | Memory layout for intermediate values |
CPinSpan | Attribute layout |
CParticleGraphEffect | Particle graph effect definition |
CParticleGraphEmitter | Particle graph emitter component |
►CParticleGraphLayer | |
CAttributeBufferLayout | Layout of attribute buffer |
CParticleGraphLayerInstance | Instance of particle graph layer in emitter |
CParticleGraphNode | |
CParticleGraphNodeInstance | |
CParticleGraphPin | Pin of a node in particle graph |
CParticleGraphPinRef | Reference to a pin buffer in a particle graph |
CParticleGraphReader | |
CParticleGraphSpan | Memory layout definition |
CParticleGraphSystem | Particle graph effect definition |
CParticleGraphTypedPin | |
CParticleGraphWriter | |
CPass | Material rendering pass, which defines shaders and render state |
CPerlinNoise | Perlin noise generator |
CPhysicsRaycastResult | Physics raycast hit |
CPhysicsRaycastResult2D | 2D Physics raycast hit |
CPhysicsTickSynchronizer | Helper class that synchronizes PhysicsWorld clock with network clock |
CPhysicsWorld | Physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
►CPhysicsWorld2D | 2D physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
CContactInfo | Contact info |
CPhysicsWorldConfig | Custom overrides of physics internals. To use overrides, must be set before the physics component is created |
CPipelineBatch | Self-sufficient batch that can be sorted and rendered by RenderPipeline |
CPipelineBatchBackToFront | Pipeline batch sorted by render order and back to front |
CPipelineBatchByState | Scene batch sorted by pipeline state, material and geometry. Also sorted front to back |
CPipelineBatchDesc | Information needed to fully create PipelineBatch |
CPipelineBatchGroup | Group of batches to be rendered |
CPipelineStateBuilder | Utility to build pipeline states for RenderPipeline |
CPipelineStateSubscription | Holds subscription from one PipelineStateTracker to another. Neither checks nor affects objects lifetime |
CPipelineStateTracker | Helper class to track pipeline state changes caused by derived class |
CPlane | |
CPListFile | Property list (plist) |
CPListValue | PList value |
CPlugin | A base class for plugins of all kinds. It only provides a common plugin interface |
CPluginApplication | Base class for creating dynamically linked plugins |
►CPluginManager | |
CDynamicLibraryInfo | Cached info about dynamic library on the disk. It may or may not be loaded |
►CPluginStack | Stack of loaded plugins that are automatically unloaded on destruction |
CPluginInfo | |
CPointerAdapter | |
CPointLightGeometryQuery | Frustum query for point light forward lit geometries and shadow casters |
CPointOctreeQuery | |
CPolyhedron | A convex volume built from polygon faces |
CPrefabNormalizer | Utility class to remap and resolve prefab IDs. Similar to SceneResolver |
CPrefabReader | |
CPrefabReaderFromArchive | Utility class to read prefab data from Archive |
CPrefabReaderFromMemory | Utility class to read prefab data from NodePrefab |
CPrefabReference | Component that instantiates prefab resource into the parent Node |
CPrefabResource | |
CPrefabWriter | |
CPrefabWriterToArchive | Utility class to write prefab data to Archive |
CPrefabWriterToMemory | Utility class to write prefab data to NodePrefab |
CPrioritySignal | Signal with subscription priority and specified or default sender type |
CPrioritySignal< void(Args...), Priority, Sender > | |
CProgressBar | ProgressBar bar UI element |
CPropertySet2D | Property set |
CQuaternion | Rotation represented as a four-dimensional normalized vector |
CRandomEngine | Random number generator. Stable across platforms and runs for any given seed |
CRay | |
CRaycastVehicle | |
CRaycastVehicleWheel | |
CRayOctreeQuery | |
CRayQueryResult | Raycast result |
CRaytracerGeometry | Geometry for ray tracing |
CRaytracerScene | Scene for ray tracing |
CRaytracingGeometryMaterial | Material of raytracing geometry |
CRect | |
CRefCount | Reference count structure |
CRefCounted | Base class for intrusively reference-counted objects. These are noncopyable and non-assignable |
CReferencedComponentBase | Base class for tracked component with reference that is stable during object lifetime |
►CReferencedComponentRegistryBase | Base class for component registry that keeps components derived from ReferencedComponentBase |
CRegistryEntry | |
CReflectionProbe | Reflection probe component that specifies reflection applied within a region |
CReflectionProbeBVH | Node of static reflection probes tree |
CReflectionProbeData | Reflection probe data. Reused by actual reflection probes and zones |
►CReflectionProbeManager | Reflection probe manager |
CAutoQueueCache | |
CQueuedReflectionProbe | |
CSpatialCache | |
CReflectionProbeReference | Reference to reflection probe affecting geometry |
CRemoteEvent | Queued remote event |
CRenderBuffer | Base class fro writable texture or texture region. Readability is not guaranteed |
CRenderBufferManager | Class that manages all render buffers within viewport and viewport itself |
CRenderBufferManagerFrameSettings | Frequently-changing settings of render buffer manager |
CRenderBufferManagerSettings | Rarely-changing settings of render buffer manager |
CRenderBufferParams | Render buffer parameters. Actual render buffer size is controlled externally |
CRenderer | High-level rendering subsystem. Manages drawing of 3D views |
CRenderer2D | 2D renderer component |
►CRenderPass | Render pass, component of render path |
CAttributes | |
CRenderPassTraits | Render pass traits that are important for render pipeline configuration |
CRenderPath | Base class for serializable resource that uses Archive serialization |
CRenderPipeline | Scene component that spawns render pipeline instances |
CRenderPipelineDebugger | Debug utility that takes snapshot of current frame |
CRenderPipelineInterface | Base interface of render pipeline required by Render Pipeline classes |
CRenderPipelineSettings | Settings of default render pipeline |
CRenderPipelineStats | Render pipeline frame statistics |
CRenderPipelineView | Base interface of render pipeline viewport instance |
CRenderSurface | Color or depth-stencil surface that can be rendered into |
►CReplicatedAnimation | |
CClientData | |
CServerData | |
►CReplicatedTransform | Behavior that replicates transform of the node |
CClientData | |
CServerData | |
►CReplicationManager | |
CClientData | |
CResource | |
CResourceCache | Resource cache subsystem. Loads resources on demand and stores them for later access |
CResourceDragDropPayload | Drag&drop payload containing reference to a resource or directory |
CResourceFileDescriptor | Resource file descriptor |
CResourceGroup | Container of resources with specific type |
►CResourceInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit resources |
CPropertyDesc | |
CResourceRef | Typed resource reference |
CResourceRefList | List of typed resource references |
CResourceRouter | |
CResourceWithMetadata | Base class for resources that support arbitrary metadata stored. Metadata serialization shall be implemented in derived classes |
CRibbonTrail | Drawable component that creates a tail |
CRigidBody | Physics rigid body component |
CRigidBody2D | 2D rigid body component |
CRmlCanvasComponent | Renders off-screen UI into a texture |
CRmlCanvasResizedArgs | |
CRmlDocumentReloadedArgs | |
►CRmlNavigable | UI element that can be navigated with arrows |
CCache | |
►CRmlNavigationManager | Navigation manager that tracks all RmlNavigable in the RmlUIComponent |
CNavigationStackFrame | |
CRmlSerializableInspector | UI widget to inspect contents of Serializable |
CRmlUI | UI subsystem. Manages the graphical user interface |
CRmlUIComponent | Adds a single window to game screen |
CRuntimeException | |
CRWOpsWrapper | Template wrapper class for using Serializer / Deserializer or their subclasses through SDL's RWOps structure |
CScene | Root scene node, represents the whole scene |
CSceneHierarchySettings | |
►CSceneHierarchyWidget | Widget to render scene hierarchy |
CNodeSearch | |
CRangeSelection | |
CRangeSelectionRequest | |
CReorderInfo | |
CReparentInfo | |
CScenePass | Base type for scene pass |
CSceneProcessor | Scene processor for RenderPipeline |
CSceneProcessorSettings | |
CSceneRendererToTexture | Renders scene to texture with its own camera |
CSceneResolver | Utility class that resolves node & component IDs after a scene or partial scene load |
CSceneResource | |
CSceneSelection | Selected nodes and components in the Scene |
CSceneViewerApplication | Simple application to show scene with free-fly camera |
CSceneWidget | SystemUI widget to preview scene |
CScript | Script runtime subsystem |
CScriptBundlePlugin | |
CScriptRuntimeApi | Script API implemented in target scripting language |
CScrollBar | Scroll bar UI element with forward and back buttons |
CScrollView | Scrollable UI element for showing a (possibly large) child element |
CSerializable | Base class for objects with automatic serialization through attributes |
CSerializableInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit materials |
CSerializablePrefab | |
CSerializableResource | Base class for serializable resource that uses Archive serialization |
CSerializer | |
CServerNetworkCallback | |
CServerReplicator | Server part of ReplicationManager subsystem |
CShader | Shader resource consisting of several shader variations |
CShaderDefineArray | Array of shader defines: pairs of name and value |
CShaderParameterAnimationInfo | Material's shader parameter animation instance |
CShaderParameterDesc | |
CShaderProgramCompositor | Generates shader program descritpions for scene and light volume batches |
CShaderProgramCompositorSettings | Settings that contribute to shader defines |
CShaderProgramDesc | |
CShaderResourceDesc | Reference to input shader resource. Only textures are supported now |
CShaderVariation | Vertex or pixel shader on the GPU |
►CShadowMapAllocator | Utility to allocate shadow maps in texture atlas |
CAtlasPage | |
CShadowMapAllocatorSettings | |
CShadowMapRegion | Region of shadow map that contains one or more shadow split |
CShadowSplitProcessor | |
CShakeComponent | |
CSharedPtr | Shared pointer template class with intrusive reference counting |
CSharedRenderPassState | State of render pipeline that can be accessed by render path and render passes |
►CSharedReplicationState | Replication state shared between all clients |
CDeltaBufferSpan | A span in delta update buffer corresponding to the update data of the individual NetworkObject |
CSignal | Signal with specified or default sender type |
CSignal< void(Args...), Sender > | |
CSimpleNavBuildData | |
CSimpleResource | Base class for simple resource that uses Archive serialization |
CSkeleton | |
CSkybox | Static model component with fixed position in relation to the camera |
CSlider | Slider bar UI element |
CSoftNetworkTime | Helper class to smoothly adjust NetworkTime on client |
CSoftwareModelAnimator | Class for software model animation (morphing and skinning) |
CSortedOccluder | |
CSound | Sound resource |
CSoundListener | Sound listener component |
CSoundSource | Sound source component with stereo position. A sound source needs to be created to a node to be considered "enabled" and be able to play, however that node does not need to belong to a scene |
CSoundSource3D | Sound source component with three-dimensional position |
CSoundStream | Base class for sound streams |
CSourceBatch | Source data for a 3D geometry draw call |
CSourceBatch2D | 2D source batch |
CSpanVariantTuple | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0 > | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0, Value1 > | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0, Value1, Value2 > | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0, Value1, Value2, Value3 > | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0, Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4 > | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0, Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5 > | |
CSpanVariantTuple< Value0, Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5, Value6 > | |
CSparseSpan | |
CSphere | |
CSphereOctreeQuery | |
CSphericalHarmonics9 | Spherical harmonics scalar coefficients, 3 bands |
CSphericalHarmonicsColor9 | Spherical harmonics color coefficients, 3 bands. Use Vector3 instead of Color to save memory |
CSphericalHarmonicsDot9 | Spherical harmonics, optimized for dot products |
CSphericalHarmonicsGenerator | |
CSpinLockMutex | Spinlock mutex |
CSpirVShader | SPIR-V shader |
CSplashScreen | Splash screen application state |
CSpline | Spline class to get a point on it based off the interpolation mode |
CSplinePath | Spline for creating smooth movement based on Speed along a set of Control Points modified by the Interpolation Mode |
CSpotLightGeometryQuery | Frustum query for spot light forward lit geometries and shadow casters |
CSprite | UI element which allows sub-pixel positioning and size, as well as rotation. Only other Sprites should be added as child elements |
CSprite2D | Sprite |
CSpriteSheet2D | Sprite sheet |
►CStateManager | |
CQueueItem | Queue item |
CStaticCaster | Unary operator that performs static cast on the argument |
CStaticModel | Static model component |
CStaticModelForLightmap | Static model for rendering into lightmap. Lods, culling and features unrelated to rendering are disabled |
CStaticModelGeometryData | Static model per-geometry extra data |
CStaticModelGroup | Renders several object instances while culling and receiving light as one unit. Can be used as a CPU-side optimization, but note that also regular StaticModels will use instanced rendering if possible |
CStaticNetworkObject | |
►CStaticPipelineStateCache | |
CPerOutputCache | |
CStaticSprite2D | Static sprite component |
CStereoRenderPipeline | |
CStereoRenderPipelineView | |
CStopToken | |
CStoredLogMessage | Stored log message from another thread |
CStretchableSprite2D | Stretchable sprite component |
►CStringHash | 32-bit hash value for a string |
CNoReverse | Tag to disable population of hash reversal map |
CStringHashRegister | Helper class used for StringHash reversing |
CSubsystemCache | |
CSynchronizedPhysicsStep | |
CSystemMessageBox | Message box dialog |
CSystemUI | |
CTargetShader | Shader translated to the target language |
CTechnique | Material technique. Consists of several passes |
CTechniqueEntry | Material's technique list entry |
CTemporaryDir | Helper class to create and destory temporary directory |
CTerrain | Heightmap terrain component |
CTerrainPatch | Individually rendered part of a heightmap terrain |
►CTetrahedralMesh | Tetrahedral mesh |
CDelaunayContext | Data used for Delaunay triangulation |
CTetrahedralMeshSurface | Surface of tetrahedral mesh. Vertices are shared with tetrahedral mesh and are not stored |
CTetrahedralMeshSurfaceEdge | Edge of the surface of tetrahedral mesh |
CTetrahedralMeshSurfaceTriangle | Surface triangle of tetrahedral mesh with adjacency information |
CTetrahedron | Tetrahedron with adjacency information |
CText | Text UI element |
CText3D | 3D text component |
CTextParams3D | Parameters of rendered 3D text |
►CTextRenderer3D | |
CCachedTextElement | 3D text rendered in previous frame and already cached |
CQueuedTextElement | 3D text requested via interface and not processed yet |
CTexture | Base class for texture resources |
CTexture2D | 2D texture resource |
CTexture2DArray | 2D texture array resource |
CTexture2DInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit 2D texture |
CTexture2DWidget | SystemUI widget to preview texture |
CTexture3D | 3D texture resource |
CTextureCube | Cube texture resource |
CTextureCubeInspectorWidget | SystemUI widget used to edit 2D texture |
CTextureFrame | |
CTextureRenderBuffer | Writable and readable render buffer texture (2D or cubemap) |
CThread | Operating system thread |
CThreadSafeCache | |
CTickSynchronizer | |
CTile2D | Tile define |
CTileMap2D | Tile map component |
CTileMapInfo2D | |
CTileMapLayer2D | Tile map component |
CTileMapObject2D | Tile map object |
CTime | Time and frame counter subsystem |
CTimedCounter | Accumulates statistics for specified number of intervals |
CTimer | Low-resolution operating system timer |
CTmxFile2D | Tile map file |
CTmxImageLayer2D | Tmx image layer |
CTmxLayer2D | Tmx layer |
CTmxObjectGroup2D | Tmx objects layer |
CTmxTileLayer2D | Tmx tile layer |
►CToneMappingPass | Post-processing pass that converts HDR linear color input to LDR gamma color |
CPipelineStateCache | |
CToolTip | Tooltip UI element |
CTouchState | |
CTrackedAnimatedModel | Behavior that tracks bone transforms of AnimatedModel on server. Not implemented on client |
CTrackedComponent | Template base of any TrackedComponent that automatically registers itself in registry |
CTrackedComponentBase | |
CTrackedComponentRegistryBase | Base class for component registry that keeps components derived from TrackedComponentBase |
CTrailPoint | Trail is consisting of series of tails. Two connected points make a tail |
CTransform | |
►CTransformedSpan | Helper class that transforms span into different type using unary predicate |
CIterator | |
CTransformGizmo | Utility class for gizmo manipulation. It's okay to recreate this class on every frame |
CTransformNodesGizmo | Gizmo for manipulating a set of scene nodes |
CTriangleMeshData | Triangle mesh geometry data |
CTriggerAnimator | Component that runs animation when triggered |
CTupleHasType | Helper class to check if tuple contains type |
CTupleHasType< T, ea::tuple< T, Types... > > | |
CTupleHasType< T, ea::tuple< U, Types... > > | |
CTupleHasType< T, ea::tuple<> > | |
CTupleHasType< T, std::tuple< Types... > > | |
CTypeInfo | |
►CUI | UI subsystem. Manages the graphical user interface |
CDragData | Data structure used to represent the drag data associated to a UIElement |
CUIBatch | UI rendering draw call |
CUIBatchStateCache | Pipeline state cache for UI batches |
CUIBatchStateCacheCallback | Pipeline state cache callback used to create actual pipeline state for UI batches |
CUIBatchStateCreateContext | External context that is not present in the key but is necessary to create new pipeline state for UI batch |
CUIBatchStateKey | |
CUIComponent | |
CUIElement | Base class for UI elements |
CUISelectable | |
CUnknownComponent | Placeholder for allowing unregistered components to be loaded & saved along with scenes |
CUnorderedScenePass | Scene pass with batches sorted by render order and pipeline state |
CUpdateContext | |
CURL | |
CValueAnimation | Value animation class |
CValueAnimationInfo | Base class for a value animation instance, which includes animation runtime information and updates the target object's value automatically |
CValueWithDerivative | Value with derivative, can be extrapolated |
CValueWithDerivative< Quaternion > | Derivative of a quaternion is angular velocity vector |
CVAnimEventFrame | Value animation event frame |
CVAnimKeyFrame | Value animation key frame |
CVariant | Variable that supports a fixed set of types |
CVariantAnimationTrack | Generic animation track, stores keyframes of single animatable entity |
CVariantAttributeAccessorImpl | Template implementation of the variant attribute accessor |
CVariantCurve | Curve of Variant values sampled by scalar values |
CVariantCurvePoint | |
CVariantValue | Union for the possible variant values. Objects exceeding the VARIANT_VALUE_SIZE are allocated on the heap |
CVector2 | Two-dimensional vector |
CVector3 | Three-dimensional vector |
CVector4 | Four-dimensional vector |
CVectorBuffer | Dynamically sized buffer that can be read and written to as a stream |
CVertex2D | 2D vertex |
CVertexBuffer | Hardware vertex buffer |
CVertexBufferAnimationData | Container for vertex buffer animation data |
CVertexBufferDesc | Description of vertex buffer data for asynchronous loading |
CVertexBufferMorph | Vertex buffer morph data |
CVertexElement | Vertex element description for arbitrary vertex declarations |
CView3D | UI element which renders a 3D scene |
CViewBatchInfo2D | |
CViewport | Viewport definition either for a render surface or the backbuffer |
CViewportColorRenderBuffer | Write-only viewport color render buffer |
CViewportDepthStencilRenderBuffer | Write-only viewport depth-stenil texture |
CVirtualFileSystem | Subsystem for virtual file system |
CVirtualReality | |
CVRRig | |
CVRRigDesc | Description of VR rig that links VR subsystem to the scene |
CVRSessionParameters | Parameters for initializing a VR session |
CWatchableMountPoint | Base implementation of watchable mount point |
CWeakPtr | Weak pointer template class with intrusive reference counting. Does not keep the object pointed to alive |
CWindow | Window UI element that can optionally by moved or resized |
CWorkItem | Deprecated |
CWorkQueue | |
CWorkQueueVector | Vector-like collection that can be safely filled from different WorkQueue threads simultaneously |
CWrappedScalar | Wrapped value between min and max boundaries |
CWrappedScalarRange | |
CXMLArchiveBase | Base archive for XML serialization |
CXMLAttributeReference | XML attribute reference for input and output archives |
CXMLElement | Element in an XML file |
CXMLFile | XML document resource |
CXMLInputArchive | XML input archive |
CXMLInputArchiveBlock | XML input archive block |
CXMLOutputArchive | XML output archive |
CXMLOutputArchiveBlock | XML output archive block |
CXPathQuery | XPath query |
CXPathResultSet | XPath query result set |
CXRActionGroup | Represents a logical action set in the underlying APIs |
CXRBinding | Wraps an input binding. Subclassed as required by interface implementations |
CXrObjectSharedPtr | Wrapper that automatically deletes OpenXR object when all references are lost |
CZone | Component that describes global rendering properties |
►CZoneLookupIndex | Acceleration structure for zone search |
CZoneData | Cached zone parameters |