| Color () noexcept |
| Construct with default values (opaque white).
| Color (const Color &color) noexcept=default |
| Copy-construct from another color.
| Color (const Color &color, float a) noexcept |
| Construct from another color and modify the alpha.
| Color (float r, float g, float b) noexcept |
| Construct from RGB values and set alpha fully opaque.
| Color (float r, float g, float b, float a) noexcept |
| Construct from RGBA values.
| Color (const float data[]) noexcept |
| Construct from a float array.
| Color (unsigned color, const ChannelMask &mask=ABGR) |
| Construct from 32-bit integer. Default format is 0xAABBGGRR.
| Color (const Vector3 &color) |
| Construct from 3-vector.
| Color (const Vector4 &color) |
| Construct from 4-vector.
Color & | operator= (const Color &rhs) noexcept=default |
| Assign from another color.
bool | operator== (const Color &rhs) const |
| Test for equality with another color without epsilon.
bool | operator!= (const Color &rhs) const |
| Test for inequality with another color without epsilon.
Color | operator* (float rhs) const |
| Multiply with a scalar.
Color | operator* (const Color &rhs) const |
| Modulate color.
Color | operator+ (const Color &rhs) const |
| Add a color.
Color | operator- () const |
| Return negation.
Color | operator- (const Color &rhs) const |
| Subtract a color.
Color & | operator+= (const Color &rhs) |
| Add-assign a color.
const float * | Data () const |
| Return float data.
unsigned | ToUInt () const |
| Return color packed to a 32-bit integer, with R component in the lowest 8 bits. Components are clamped to [0, 1] range.
unsigned | ToUIntMask (const ChannelMask &mask) const |
| Return color packed to a 32-bit integer with arbitrary channel mask. Components are clamped to [0, 1] range.
Vector3 | ToHSL () const |
| Return HSL color-space representation as a Vector3; the RGB values are clipped before conversion but not changed in the process.
Vector3 | ToHSV () const |
| Return HSV color-space representation as a Vector3; the RGB values are clipped before conversion but not changed in the process.
void | FromUInt (unsigned color) |
| Set RGBA values from packed 32-bit integer, with R component in the lowest 8 bits (format 0xAABBGGRR).
void | FromUIntMask (unsigned color, const ChannelMask &mask) |
| Set RGBA values from packed 32-bit integer with arbitrary channel mask.
void | FromHSL (float h, float s, float l, float a=1.0f) |
| Set RGBA values from specified HSL values and alpha.
void | FromHSV (float h, float s, float v, float a=1.0f) |
| Set RGBA values from specified HSV values and alpha.
Vector3 | ToVector3 () const |
Vector4 | ToVector4 () const |
float | SumRGB () const |
| Return sum of RGB components.
float | Average () const |
| Return average value of the RGB channels.
float | Luma () const |
| Return the 'grayscale' representation of RGB values, as used by JPEG and PAL/NTSC among others.
float | Chroma () const |
| Return the colorfulness relative to the brightness of a similarly illuminated white.
float | Hue () const |
| Return hue mapped to range [0, 1.0).
float | SaturationHSL () const |
| Return saturation as defined for HSL.
float | SaturationHSV () const |
| Return saturation as defined for HSV.
float | Value () const |
| Return value as defined for HSV: largest value of the RGB components. Equivalent to calling MinRGB().
Color | GammaToLinear () const |
| Convert color from gamma to linear space.
Color | LinearToGamma () const |
| Convert color from linear to gamma space.
float | Lightness () const |
| Return lightness as defined for HSL: average of the largest and smallest values of the RGB components.
void | Bounds (float *min, float *max, bool clipped=false) const |
| Stores the values of least and greatest RGB component at specified pointer addresses, optionally clipping those values to [0, 1] range.
float | MaxRGB () const |
| Return the largest value of the RGB components.
float | MinRGB () const |
| Return the smallest value of the RGB components.
float | Range () const |
| Return range, defined as the difference between the greatest and least RGB component.
void | Clip (bool clipAlpha=false) |
| Clip to [0, 1.0] range.
void | Invert (bool invertAlpha=false) |
| Inverts the RGB channels and optionally the alpha channel as well.
Color | Lerp (const Color &rhs, float t) const |
| Return linear interpolation of this color with another color.
Color | Abs () const |
| Return color with absolute components.
bool | Equals (const Color &rhs, float eps=M_EPSILON) const |
| Test for equality with another color with epsilon.
ea::string | ToString () const |
| Return as string.
unsigned | ToUIntArgb () const |
| Return color packed to a 32-bit integer, with B component in the lowest 8 bits. Components are clamped to [0, 1] range.
unsigned | ToHash () const |
| Return hash value for HashSet & HashMap.