Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- name_
: Urho3D::AbstractFile
, Urho3D::AnimationTrack
, Urho3D::AttributeInfo
, Urho3D::Bone
, Urho3D::FileSelectorEntry
, Urho3D::GraphNode
, Urho3D::GraphNodeProperty
, Urho3D::GraphPin
, Urho3D::JoystickState
, Urho3D::MaterialShaderParameter
, Urho3D::Microphone
, Urho3D::ModelMorph
, Urho3D::MountedDirectory
, Urho3D::PackageDownload
, Urho3D::ParicleGraphUniform
, Urho3D::ParticleGraphAttributeLayout::AttrSpan
, Urho3D::ParticleGraphPin
, Urho3D::Pass
, Urho3D::Plugin
, Urho3D::Resource
, Urho3D::ResourceRef
, Urho3D::RmlUI
, Urho3D::ShaderParameterAnimationInfo
, Urho3D::Thread
, Urho3D::TileMapObject2D
, Urho3D::TmxLayer2D
, Urho3D::UIElement
, Urho3D::VariantCurve
, Urho3D::XRActionGroup
, Urho3D::XRBinding
- NamedPipe()
: Urho3D::NamedPipe
- nameHash_
: Urho3D::AnimationTrack
, Urho3D::AttributeInfo
, Urho3D::Bone
, Urho3D::GraphNode
, Urho3D::GraphNodeProperty
, Urho3D::ModelMorph
, Urho3D::PackageFile
, Urho3D::ParicleGraphUniform
, Urho3D::ParticleGraphAttributeLayout::AttrSpan
, Urho3D::ParticleGraphPin
, Urho3D::Resource
- names_
: Urho3D::LightProbeCollection
, Urho3D::ResourceRefList
- NameToPath()
: Urho3D::ModulePlugin
- nameToValueMapping_
: Urho3D::PropertySet2D
- naturalIndices_
: Urho3D::ParticleGraphLayer::AttributeBufferLayout
, Urho3D::ParticleGraphLayerInstance
- NavArea()
: Urho3D::NavArea
- navAreas_
: Urho3D::NavBuildData
- NavBuildData()
: Urho3D::NavBuildData
- Navigable()
: Urho3D::Navigable
- NavigationDataVersion
: Urho3D::DynamicNavigationMesh
, Urho3D::NavigationMesh
- navigationManager_
: Urho3D::RmlUIComponent
- NavigationMesh()
: Urho3D::NavigationMesh
- navigationMesh_
: Urho3D::CrowdManager
- navigationMeshId_
: Urho3D::CrowdManager
- navMesh_
: Urho3D::NavigationMesh
- navMeshQuery_
: Urho3D::NavigationMesh
- navPushiness_
: Urho3D::CrowdAgent
- navQuality_
: Urho3D::CrowdAgent
- nearClip_
: Urho3D::Camera
, Urho3D::OcclusionBuffer
- nearDistance_
: Urho3D::SoundSource3D
- needBilinearColorSampler_
: Urho3D::RenderPassTraits
- needReadWriteColorBuffer_
: Urho3D::RenderPassTraits
- needUpdate_
: Urho3D::ParticleEmitter
, Urho3D::RibbonTrail
- Negate()
: Urho3D::ParticleGraphNodes::Negate
- negSensitivity_
: Urho3D::AxisAdapter
- neighbors_
: Urho3D::TetrahedralMeshSurfaceTriangle
, Urho3D::Tetrahedron
- neighborsDirty_
: Urho3D::Terrain
- Network()
: Urho3D::Network
- networkFrame_
: Urho3D::NetworkFrameSync
- networkMode_
: Urho3D::NetworkObject
- networkUpdate_
: Urho3D::Component
- neutral_
: Urho3D::AxisAdapter
- newSize_
: Urho3D::RmlCanvasResizedArgs
- newTextNodes_
: Urho3D::TextRenderer3D
- newTicket_
: Urho3D::SpinLockMutex
- next_
: Urho3D::AllocatorBlock
, Urho3D::AllocatorNode
, Urho3D::TrailPoint
- nextAsyncExecID_
: Urho3D::FileSystem
- nextChild_
: Urho3D::XMLInputArchiveBlock
- nextElementIndex_
: Urho3D::JSONInputArchiveBlock
- nextIndex_
: Urho3D::IndexAllocator< T >
- nextLevel_
: Urho3D::Image
- NextResult()
: Urho3D::XMLElement
- nextSibling_
: Urho3D::Image
- Nlerp()
: Urho3D::Quaternion
- node_
: Urho3D::Bone
, Urho3D::Component
, Urho3D::OctreeQueryResult
, Urho3D::ParticleGraphNodes::TemplateNode< Instance, Values >::InstanceBase
, Urho3D::RayQueryResult
, Urho3D::XMLElement
- nodeA_
: Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D::ContactInfo
- NodeAdded()
: Urho3D::Scene
- nodeB_
: Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D::ContactInfo
- nodeCollisionData_
: Urho3D::KinematicCharacterController
, Urho3D::PhysicsWorld
- nodeIDsAttr_
: Urho3D::CameraOperator
, Urho3D::StaticModelGroup
- nodeIDsDirty_
: Urho3D::CameraOperator
, Urho3D::StaticModelGroup
- nodeInstances_
: Urho3D::ParticleGraphLayer::AttributeBufferLayout
- nodeLookup_
: Urho3D::SceneResolver
- noDepthLines_
: Urho3D::DebugRenderer
- noDepthTriangles_
: Urho3D::DebugRenderer
- NodeRemoved()
: Urho3D::Scene
- nodes_
: Urho3D::Graph
, Urho3D::ParticleGraph
, Urho3D::TileMapLayer2D
- nodesDirty_
: Urho3D::CameraOperator
, Urho3D::StaticModelGroup
- nodeSize_
: Urho3D::AllocatorBlock
- NodeTagAdded()
: Urho3D::Scene
- NodeTagRemoved()
: Urho3D::Scene
- Noise3D()
: Urho3D::ParticleGraphNodes::Noise3D
- NonCopyable()
: Urho3D::NonCopyable
- nonFocusedMouseWheel_
: Urho3D::UI
- nonModalBatchSize_
: Urho3D::UI
- nonUniform_
: Urho3D::FocusParameters
- normal_
: Urho3D::Circle
, Urho3D::CustomGeometryVertex
, Urho3D::DecalVertex
, Urho3D::ModelVertex
, Urho3D::PhysicsRaycastResult2D
, Urho3D::PhysicsRaycastResult
, Urho3D::Plane
, Urho3D::RayQueryResult
- NormalAttribute
: Urho3D::RaytracerScene
- Normalize()
: Urho3D::GeometryLODView
, Urho3D::GeometryView
, Urho3D::ModelView
, Urho3D::Quaternion
, Urho3D::TetrahedralMeshSurfaceTriangle
, Urho3D::Vector2
, Urho3D::Vector3
- Normalized()
: Urho3D::ParticleGraphNodes::Normalized
, Urho3D::Quaternion
, Urho3D::Vector2
, Urho3D::Vector3
- NormalizedEffectTime()
: Urho3D::ParticleGraphNodes::NormalizedEffectTime
- NormalizedOrDefault()
: Urho3D::Vector2
, Urho3D::Vector3
- NormalizeLight()
: Urho3D::LightmapChartBakedIndirect
- normalOffset_
: Urho3D::BiasParameters
- normalPower_
: Urho3D::EdgeStoppingGaussFilterParameters
- normalTimeToLive_
: Urho3D::LightProcessorCacheSettings
- north_
: Urho3D::Terrain
, Urho3D::TerrainPatch
- northID_
: Urho3D::Terrain
- noTextureMaterial_
: Urho3D::Detail::RmlRenderer
, Urho3D::UI
- Notify()
: Urho3D::StateManager
- NotifyRigidBody()
: Urho3D::CollisionShape
- NotNull()
: Urho3D::XMLElement
- numAreas_
: Urho3D::CrowdManager
- numberValue_
: Urho3D::JSONValue
- numBones_
: Urho3D::SoftwareModelAnimator
- NumCachedSubsystems
: Urho3D::SubsystemCache
- numChannels_
: Urho3D::LightmapStitchingContext
- numCompressedLevels_
: Urho3D::Image
- numDragButtons
: Urho3D::UI::DragData
- numDrawables_
: Urho3D::Octant
- numElements_
: Urho3D::JSONOutputArchiveBlock
, Urho3D::XMLOutputArchiveBlock
- NumericRange()
: Urho3D::NumericRange< T >
- numGeometries_
: Urho3D::RenderPipelineStats
- numIndices_
: Urho3D::DecalSet
- numInnerTetrahedrons_
: Urho3D::TetrahedralMesh
- numIterations_
: Urho3D::LightmapStitchingSettings
- numLevels_
: Urho3D::Octree
- numLights_
: Urho3D::RenderPipelineStats
- numLodLevels_
: Urho3D::Terrain
- numLods_
: Urho3D::RaytracerGeometry
- NumMountPoints()
: Urho3D::VirtualFileSystem
- numObstacleAvoidanceTypes_
: Urho3D::CrowdManager
- numOccluders_
: Urho3D::RenderPipelineStats
- numParticles_
: Urho3D::ParticleEffect
, Urho3D::ParticleEmitter2D
- numPatches_
: Urho3D::Terrain
- NumPer
: Urho3D::PerlinNoise
- numPoints_
: Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D::ContactInfo
, Urho3D::RibbonTrail
- numProcessingThreads_
: Urho3D::WorkQueue
- numQueryFilterTypes_
: Urho3D::CrowdManager
- numShadowedLights_
: Urho3D::RenderPipelineStats
- numSoftwareSkinningBones_
: Urho3D::AnimatedModel
, Urho3D::Renderer
- NumSplitFramesToLive
: Urho3D::LightProcessor
- NumSuperMeshVertices
: Urho3D::TetrahedralMesh
- numTasks_
: Urho3D::DirectLightTracingSettings
, Urho3D::EmissionLightTracingSettings
, Urho3D::GeometryBufferPreprocessSettings
, Urho3D::IndirectLightTracingSettings
- numTriangles_
: Urho3D::OcclusionBuffer
- numUniqueLightProbes_
: Urho3D::BakedSceneChunk
- numUploadAttempts_
: Urho3D::ReplicatedAnimation
, Urho3D::ReplicatedTransform
- NumVariants
: Urho3D::AnimationParameters
- numVariations_
: Urho3D::Shader
- numVertices_
: Urho3D::DecalSet
, Urho3D::Terrain
- numWorldTransforms_
: Urho3D::SourceBatch
, Urho3D::StaticModelGroup