| Quaternion () noexcept |
| Construct an identity quaternion.
| Quaternion (const Quaternion &quat) noexcept |
| Copy-construct from another quaternion.
| Quaternion (float w, float x, float y, float z) noexcept |
| Construct from values.
| Quaternion (const float data[]) noexcept |
| Construct from a float array.
| Quaternion (float angle, const Vector3 &axis) noexcept |
| Construct from an angle (in degrees) and axis.
| Quaternion (float angle) noexcept |
| Construct from an angle (in degrees, for Urho2D).
| Quaternion (float x, float y, float z) noexcept |
| Construct from Euler angles (in degrees). Equivalent to Y*X*Z.
| Quaternion (const Vector3 &angles) noexcept |
| Construct from Euler angles (in degrees).
| Quaternion (const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end) noexcept |
| Construct from the rotation difference between two direction vectors.
| Quaternion (const Vector3 &xAxis, const Vector3 &yAxis, const Vector3 &zAxis) noexcept |
| Construct from orthonormal axes.
| Quaternion (const Matrix3 &matrix) noexcept |
| Construct from a rotation matrix.
Quaternion & | operator= (const Quaternion &rhs) noexcept |
| Assign from another quaternion.
Quaternion & | operator+= (const Quaternion &rhs) |
| Add-assign a quaternion.
Quaternion & | operator*= (float rhs) |
| Multiply-assign a scalar.
bool | operator== (const Quaternion &rhs) const |
| Test for equality with another quaternion without epsilon.
bool | operator!= (const Quaternion &rhs) const |
| Test for inequality with another quaternion without epsilon.
Quaternion | operator* (float rhs) const |
| Multiply with a scalar.
Quaternion | operator- () const |
| Return negation.
Quaternion | operator+ (const Quaternion &rhs) const |
| Add a quaternion.
Quaternion | operator- (const Quaternion &rhs) const |
| Subtract a quaternion.
Quaternion | operator* (const Quaternion &rhs) const |
| Multiply a quaternion.
Vector3 | operator* (const Vector3 &rhs) const |
| Multiply a Vector3.
void | FromAngleAxis (float angle, const Vector3 &axis) |
| Define from an angle (in degrees) and axis.
void | FromEulerAngles (float x, float y, float z) |
| Define from Euler angles (in degrees). Equivalent to Y*X*Z.
void | FromRotationTo (const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end) |
| Define from the rotation difference between two direction vectors.
void | FromAxes (const Vector3 &xAxis, const Vector3 &yAxis, const Vector3 &zAxis) |
| Define from orthonormal axes.
void | FromRotationMatrix (const Matrix3 &matrix) |
| Define from a rotation matrix.
bool | FromLookRotation (const Vector3 &direction, const Vector3 &up=Vector3::UP) |
| Define from a direction to look in and an up direction. Return true if successful, or false if would result in a NaN, in which case the current value remains.
void | Normalize () |
| Normalize to unit length.
Quaternion | Normalized () const |
| Return normalized to unit length.
Quaternion | Inverse () const |
| Return inverse.
float | LengthSquared () const |
| Return squared length.
float | DotProduct (const Quaternion &rhs) const |
| Calculate dot product.
bool | Equals (const Quaternion &rhs, float eps=M_EPSILON) const |
| Test for equality with another quaternion with epsilon.
bool | Equivalent (const Quaternion &rhs, float eps=M_EPSILON) const |
| Test for equivalence with another quaternion with epsilon.
bool | IsNaN () const |
| Return whether any element is NaN.
bool | IsInf () const |
| Return whether any element is Inf.
Quaternion | Conjugate () const |
| Return conjugate.
Vector3 | EulerAngles () const |
float | YawAngle () const |
float | PitchAngle () const |
float | RollAngle () const |
Vector3 | Axis () const |
float | Angle () const |
Vector3 | AngularVelocity () const |
Matrix3 | RotationMatrix () const |
Quaternion | Slerp (const Quaternion &rhs, float t) const |
| Spherical interpolation with another quaternion.
Quaternion | Nlerp (const Quaternion &rhs, float t, bool shortestPath=false) const |
| Normalized linear interpolation with another quaternion.
ea::pair< Quaternion, Quaternion > | ToSwingTwist (const Vector3 &twistAxis) const |
| Decompose quaternion to swing and twist components. swing * twist is the original quaternion.
float | TwistAngle (const Vector3 &axis) const |
| Return twist angle around given axis. Quaternion may or may not have additional rotation that will be ignored.
const float * | Data () const |
| Return float data.
ea::string | ToString () const |
| Return as string.
unsigned | ToHash () const |
| Return hash value for HashSet & HashMap.
Rotation represented as a four-dimensional normalized vector.