| Matrix3 () noexcept |
| Construct an identity matrix.
| Matrix3 (const Matrix3 &matrix) noexcept=default |
| Copy-construct from another matrix.
| Matrix3 (float v00, float v01, float v02, float v10, float v11, float v12, float v20, float v21, float v22) noexcept |
| Construct from values.
| Matrix3 (const float data[]) noexcept |
| Construct from a float array.
| Matrix3 (float angle, const Vector3 &axis) noexcept |
| Construct from an angle (in degrees) and axis.
Matrix3 & | operator= (const Matrix3 &rhs) noexcept=default |
| Assign from another matrix.
bool | operator== (const Matrix3 &rhs) const |
| Test for equality with another matrix without epsilon.
bool | operator!= (const Matrix3 &rhs) const |
| Test for inequality with another matrix without epsilon.
Vector3 | operator* (const Vector3 &rhs) const |
| Multiply a Vector3.
Matrix3 | operator+ (const Matrix3 &rhs) const |
| Add a matrix.
Matrix3 | operator- (const Matrix3 &rhs) const |
| Subtract a matrix.
Matrix3 | operator* (float rhs) const |
| Multiply with a scalar.
Matrix3 | operator* (const Matrix3 &rhs) const |
| Multiply a matrix.
void | FromAngleAxis (float angle, const Vector3 &axis) |
| Define from an angle (in degrees) and axis.
void | SetScale (const Vector3 &scale) |
| Set scaling elements.
void | SetScale (float scale) |
| Set uniform scaling elements.
Vector3 | Scale () const |
| Return the scaling part.
Vector3 | SignedScale (const Matrix3 &rotation) const |
| Return the scaling part with the sign. Reference rotation matrix is required to avoid ambiguity.
Matrix3 | Transpose () const |
| Return transposed.
Matrix3 | Scaled (const Vector3 &scale) const |
| Return scaled by a vector.
bool | Equals (const Matrix3 &rhs, float eps=M_EPSILON) const |
| Test for equality with another matrix with epsilon.
float | Determinant () const |
| Return determinant.
Matrix3 | Inverse () const |
| Return inverse.
const float * | Data () const |
| Return float data.
float | Element (unsigned i, unsigned j) const |
| Return matrix element.
Vector3 | Row (unsigned i) const |
| Return matrix row.
Vector3 | Column (unsigned j) const |
| Return matrix column.
bool | IsNaN () const |
| Return whether any element is NaN.
bool | IsInf () const |
| Return whether any element is Inf.
ea::string | ToString () const |
| Return as string.
unsigned | ToHash () const |
| Return hash value for HashSet & HashMap.