Rebel Fork Framework
Urho3D::ClientNetworkCallback Class Reference

#include <Urho3D/Replica/NetworkCallbacks.h>

Inheritance diagram for Urho3D::ClientNetworkCallback:
Urho3D::NetworkCallback Urho3D::NetworkBehavior Urho3D::NetworkObject Urho3D::FilteredByDistance Urho3D::ReplicatedAnimation Urho3D::ReplicatedTransform Urho3D::TrackedAnimatedModel Urho3D::StaticNetworkObject Urho3D::BehaviorNetworkObject

Public Member Functions

virtual void InitializeFromSnapshot (NetworkFrame frame, Deserializer &src, bool isOwned)
 Read full snapshot and initialize object. Called once.
virtual void PrepareToRemove ()
 This component is about to be removed by the authority of the server.
virtual void InterpolateState (float replicaTimeStep, float inputTimeStep, const NetworkTime &replicaTime, const NetworkTime &inputTime)
 Interpolate replicated state.
virtual void ReadReliableDelta (NetworkFrame frame, Deserializer &src)
 Read reliable delta update. Delta is applied to previous reliable delta or snapshot message.
virtual void ReadUnreliableDelta (NetworkFrame frame, Deserializer &src)
 Read unreliable delta update.
virtual bool PrepareUnreliableFeedback (NetworkFrame frame)
 Prepare for unreliable feedback and return feedback mask. If mask is zero, unreliable feedback is skipped.
virtual void WriteUnreliableFeedback (NetworkFrame frame, Serializer &dest)
 Write unreliable feedback from client.

Detailed Description

Client-side callbacks for NetworkObject and NetworkBehavior. ClientReplica is guaranteed to be present.

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