Rebel Fork Framework
Urho3D::BakedSceneCollector Class Referenceabstract

#include <Urho3D/Glow/BakedSceneCollector.h>

Inheritance diagram for Urho3D::BakedSceneCollector:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~BakedSceneCollector ()
virtual void LockScene (Scene *scene, const Vector3 &chunkSize)=0
 Called before everything else. Scene objects must stay unchanged after this call.
virtual ea::vector< IntVector3GetChunks ()=0
 Return all scene chunks.
virtual BakedSceneBackgroundArrayPtr GetBackgrounds ()=0
 Return all scene backgrounds. [0] is expected to be pitch-black background.
virtual ea::vector< Component * > GetUniqueGeometries (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex)=0
 Return unique geometries within chunk.
virtual void CommitGeometries (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex)=0
 Called when geometries were changed externally.
virtual ea::vector< LightProbeGroup * > GetUniqueLightProbeGroups (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex)=0
 Return unique light probe groups within chunk. Order of groups must stay the same for each call.
virtual ZoneGetLightProbeGroupZone (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex, LightProbeGroup *lightProbeGroup)=0
 Return zone that corresponds to light probe group within chunk.
virtual unsigned GetZoneBackground (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex, Zone *zone)=0
 Return background index for zone within chunk.
virtual BoundingBox GetChunkBoundingBox (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex)=0
 Return bounding box of unique nodes of the chunk.
virtual ea::vector< Light * > GetLightsInBoundingBox (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex, const BoundingBox &boundingBox)=0
 Return lights intersecting given volume.
virtual ea::vector< Component * > GetGeometriesInBoundingBox (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex, const BoundingBox &boundingBox)=0
 Return geometries intersecting given volume.
virtual ea::vector< LightProbeGroup * > GetLightProbeGroupsInBoundingBox (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex, const BoundingBox &boundingBox)=0
 Return light probe groups intersecting given volume.
virtual ea::vector< Component * > GetGeometriesInFrustum (const IntVector3 &chunkIndex, const Frustum &frustum)=0
 Return geometries intersecting given frustum. The frustum is guaranteed to contain specified chunk.
virtual void UnlockScene ()=0
 Called after everything else. Scene objects must stay unchanged until this call.

Detailed Description

Interface of scene collector for light baking. Objects may be loaded and unloaded even if scene is locked if it doesn't affect the outcome.

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