Rebel Fork Framework
Urho3D::Actions Namespace Reference


class  ActionCallHandler
 Internal helper class for invoking action handler functions. More...
class  ActionCallHandlerImpl
 Template implementation of the action handler invoke helper (stores a function pointer of specific class). More...
class  ActionEase
 Base action state. More...
class  ActionInstant
 Finite time action. More...
class  ActionInstantState
 Finite time action state. More...
class  ActionState
class  AttributeAction
 Finite time action. More...
class  AttributeActionState
 Attribute action state. More...
class  AttributeBlink
 Animate attribute between two values. More...
class  AttributeBlinkState
class  AttributeFromTo
 Animate attribute between two values. More...
class  AttributeTo
 Animate attribute between current and provided value. More...
class  BaseAction
 Base action state. More...
class  Blink
 Blink target by toggling "Is Enabled" attribute. The Target should have "Is Enabled" attribute. More...
class  CallFunc
class  DelayTime
 Action that does nothing but waits. More...
class  Disable
 Hide target. The Target should have "Is Enabled" attribute. More...
class  EaseBackIn
class  EaseBackInOut
class  EaseBackOut
class  EaseBounceIn
class  EaseBounceInOut
class  EaseBounceOut
class  EaseElastic
 ElasticIn easing action. More...
class  EaseElasticIn
class  EaseElasticInOut
class  EaseElasticOut
class  EaseExponentialIn
class  EaseExponentialInOut
class  EaseExponentialOut
class  EaseSineIn
class  EaseSineInOut
class  EaseSineOut
class  Enable
 Show target. The Target should have "Is Enabled" attribute. More...
class  FiniteTimeAction
 Finite time action. More...
class  FiniteTimeActionState
 Finite time action state. More...
class  Hide
 Hide target. The Target should have "Is Visible" attribute. More...
class  JumpBy
 Move instantly by 3D offset action. Target should have attribute "Position" of type Vector3 or IntVector3. More...
class  MoveBy
 Move by 3D or 2D offset action. Target should have attribute "Position" of type Vector3, Vector2, IntVector2 or IntVector3. More...
class  MoveByQuadratic
class  Parallel
 Set of actions to be executed in parallel. More...
class  RemoveSelf
 Remove self from parent. The Target of the action should be either Node or UIElement. More...
class  Repeat
 Repeat inner action several times. More...
class  RepeatForever
 Repeat inner action forever. More...
class  RotateAround
 Rotate around 3D point action. Target should have "Position" of type Vector3 and "Rotation" of type Quaternion attributes. More...
class  RotateBy
 Rotate by 3D delta action. Target should have attribute "Rotation" of type Quaternion. More...
class  ScaleBy
 Scale by 3D offset action. Target should have attribute "Scale" of type Vector3. More...
class  SendEvent
 Send event on target node. More...
class  Sequence
 Sequence of actions. More...
class  SetAttributeState
class  ShaderParameterAction
 Animate shader parameter. More...
class  ShaderParameterFromTo
 Animate shader parameter from one value to another. More...
class  ShaderParameterTo
 Animate shader parameter from current value to another. More...
class  Show
 Show target. The Target should have "Is Visible" attribute. More...


const ea::string_view POSITION_ATTRIBUTE {"Position"}
const ea::string_view ROTATION_ATTRIBUTE {"Rotation"}
const ea::string_view SCALE_ATTRIBUTE {"Scale"}
const ea::string_view ISVISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE {"Is Visible"}
const ea::string_view ISENABLED_ATTRIBUTE {"Is Enabled"}

Detailed Description