Rebel Fork Framework
Urho3D::Text Class Reference

Text UI element. More...

#include <Urho3D/UI/Text.h>

Inheritance diagram for Urho3D::Text:
Urho3D::UISelectable Urho3D::UIElement Urho3D::Animatable Urho3D::Serializable Urho3D::Object Urho3D::RefCounted

Public Member Functions

 Text (Context *context)
 ~Text () override
void ApplyAttributes () override
 Apply attribute changes that can not be applied immediately.
void GetBatches (ea::vector< UIBatch > &batches, ea::vector< float > &vertexData, const IntRect &currentScissor) override
 Return UI rendering batches.
void OnResize (const IntVector2 &newSize, const IntVector2 &delta) override
 React to resize.
void OnIndentSet () override
 React to indent change.
bool SetFont (const ea::string &fontName, float size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)
 Set font by looking from resource cache by name and font size. Return true if successful.
bool SetFont (Font *font, float size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)
 Set font and font size. Return true if successful.
bool SetFontSize (float size)
void SetText (const ea::string &text)
void SetTextAlignment (HorizontalAlignment align)
void SetRowSpacing (float spacing)
void SetWordwrap (bool enable)
void SetAutoLocalizable (bool enable)
void SetSelection (unsigned start, unsigned length=M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
 Set selection. When length is not provided, select until the text ends.
void ClearSelection ()
 Clear selection.
void SetTextEffect (TextEffect textEffect)
void SetEffectShadowOffset (const IntVector2 &offset)
void SetEffectStrokeThickness (int thickness)
void SetEffectRoundStroke (bool roundStroke)
void SetEffectColor (const Color &effectColor)
FontGetFont () const
float GetFontSize () const
const ea::string & GetText () const
HorizontalAlignment GetTextAlignment () const
float GetRowSpacing () const
bool GetWordwrap () const
bool GetAutoLocalizable () const
unsigned GetSelectionStart () const
unsigned GetSelectionLength () const
TextEffect GetTextEffect () const
const IntVector2GetEffectShadowOffset () const
int GetEffectStrokeThickness () const
bool GetEffectRoundStroke () const
const ColorGetEffectColor () const
float GetRowHeight () const
unsigned GetNumRows () const
unsigned GetNumChars () const
float GetRowWidth (unsigned index) const
Vector2 GetCharPosition (unsigned index)
Vector2 GetCharSize (unsigned index)
void SetEffectDepthBias (float bias)
 Set text effect Z bias. Zero by default, adjusted only in 3D mode.
float GetEffectDepthBias () const
 Return effect Z bias.
void SetFontAttr (const ResourceRef &value)
 Set font attribute.
ResourceRef GetFontAttr () const
 Return font attribute.
void SetTextAttr (const ea::string &value)
 Set text attribute.
ea::string GetTextAttr () const
 Return text attribute.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::UISelectable
 URHO3D_OBJECT (UISelectable, UIElement)
 ~UISelectable () override=default
void GetBatches (ea::vector< UIBatch > &batches, ea::vector< float > &vertexData, const IntRect &currentScissor) override
 Return UI rendering batches.
void SetSelectionColor (const Color &color)
void SetHoverColor (const Color &color)
const ColorGetSelectionColor () const
const ColorGetHoverColor () const
 UIElement (Context *context)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::UIElement
 UIElement (Context *context)
 ~UIElement () override
void ApplyAttributes () override
 Apply attribute changes that can not be applied immediately.
bool LoadXML (const XMLElement &source) override
 Load from XML data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool LoadXML (const XMLElement &source, XMLFile *styleFile)
 Load from XML data with style. Return true if successful.
virtual UIElementLoadChildXML (const XMLElement &childElem, XMLFile *styleFile)
 Create a child by loading from XML data with style. Returns the child element if successful, null if otherwise.
bool SaveXML (XMLElement &dest) const override
 Save as XML data. Return true if successful.
virtual void Update (float timeStep)
 Perform UI element update.
virtual bool IsWithinScissor (const IntRect &currentScissor)
 Return whether is visible and inside a scissor rectangle and should be rendered.
virtual const IntVector2GetScreenPosition () const
virtual void GetDebugDrawBatches (ea::vector< UIBatch > &batches, ea::vector< float > &vertexData, const IntRect &currentScissor)
 Return UI rendering batches for debug draw.
virtual void OnHover (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers, Cursor *cursor)
 React to mouse hover.
virtual void OnClickBegin (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButton button, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers, Cursor *cursor)
 React to mouse click begin.
virtual void OnClickEnd (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButton button, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers, Cursor *cursor, UIElement *beginElement)
 React to mouse click end.
virtual void OnDoubleClick (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButton button, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers, Cursor *cursor)
 React to double mouse click.
virtual void OnDragBegin (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers, Cursor *cursor)
 React to mouse drag begin.
virtual void OnDragMove (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, const IntVector2 &deltaPos, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers, Cursor *cursor)
 React to mouse drag motion.
virtual void OnDragEnd (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButtonFlags dragButtons, MouseButtonFlags releaseButtons, Cursor *cursor)
 React to mouse drag end.
virtual void OnDragCancel (const IntVector2 &position, const IntVector2 &screenPosition, MouseButtonFlags dragButtons, MouseButtonFlags cancelButtons, Cursor *cursor)
 React to a mouse drag cancel event (ie, when an extra button is pressed).
virtual bool OnDragDropTest (UIElement *source)
 React to drag and drop test. Return true to signal that the drop is acceptable.
virtual bool OnDragDropFinish (UIElement *source)
 React to drag and drop finish. Return true to signal that the drop was accepted.
virtual void OnWheel (int delta, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers)
 React to mouse wheel.
virtual void OnKey (Key key, MouseButtonFlags buttons, QualifierFlags qualifiers)
 React to a key press.
virtual void OnTextInput (const ea::string &text)
 React to text input event.
virtual void OnPositionSet (const IntVector2 &newPosition)
 React to position change.
virtual void OnSetEditable ()
 React to editable status change.
virtual IntVector2 ScreenToElement (const IntVector2 &screenPosition)
 Convert screen coordinates to element coordinates.
virtual IntVector2 ElementToScreen (const IntVector2 &position)
 Convert element coordinates to screen coordinates.
virtual bool IsWheelHandler () const
 Return whether the element could handle wheel input.
bool LoadXML (Deserializer &source)
 Load from an XML file. Return true if successful.
bool SaveXML (Serializer &dest, const ea::string &indentation="\t") const
 Save to an XML file. Return true if successful.
bool FilterAttributes (XMLElement &dest) const
 Filter attributes in serialization process.
void SetName (const ea::string &name)
void SetPosition (const IntVector2 &position)
void SetPosition (int x, int y)
 Set position.
void SetSize (const IntVector2 &size)
void SetSize (int width, int height)
 Set size.
void SetWidth (int width)
void SetHeight (int height)
void SetMinSize (const IntVector2 &minSize)
void SetMinSize (int width, int height)
 Set minimum size.
void SetMinWidth (int width)
void SetMinHeight (int height)
void SetMaxSize (const IntVector2 &maxSize)
void SetMaxSize (int width, int height)
 Set maximum size.
void SetMaxWidth (int width)
void SetMaxHeight (int height)
void SetFixedSize (const IntVector2 &size)
 Set fixed size.
void SetFixedSize (int width, int height)
 Set fixed size.
void SetFixedWidth (int width)
 Set fixed width.
void SetFixedHeight (int height)
 Set fixed height.
void SetAlignment (HorizontalAlignment hAlign, VerticalAlignment vAlign)
 Set horizontal and vertical alignment.
void SetHorizontalAlignment (HorizontalAlignment align)
void SetVerticalAlignment (VerticalAlignment align)
void SetEnableAnchor (bool enable)
void SetMinAnchor (const Vector2 &anchor)
void SetMinAnchor (float x, float y)
 Set minimum anchor.
void SetMaxAnchor (const Vector2 &anchor)
void SetMaxAnchor (float x, float y)
 Set maximum anchor.
void SetMinOffset (const IntVector2 &offset)
void SetMaxOffset (const IntVector2 &offset)
void SetPivot (const Vector2 &pivot)
void SetPivot (float x, float y)
 Set pivot relative to element's size (from 0 to 1, where 0.5 is center). Overrides horizontal & vertical alignment.
void SetClipBorder (const IntRect &rect)
void SetColor (const Color &color)
void SetColor (Corner corner, const Color &color)
void SetPriority (int priority)
void SetOpacity (float opacity)
void SetBringToFront (bool enable)
void SetBringToBack (bool enable)
void SetClipChildren (bool enable)
void SetSortChildren (bool enable)
void SetUseDerivedOpacity (bool enable)
void SetEnabled (bool enable)
void SetDeepEnabled (bool enable)
 Set enabled state on self and child elements. Elements' own enabled state is remembered (IsEnabledSelf) and can be restored.
void ResetDeepEnabled ()
 Reset enabled state to the element's remembered state prior to calling SetDeepEnabled.
void SetEnabledRecursive (bool enable)
 Set enabled state on self and child elements. Unlike SetDeepEnabled this does not remember the elements' own enabled state, but overwrites it.
void SetEditable (bool enable)
void SetFocus (bool enable)
void SetSelected (bool enable)
void SetVisible (bool enable)
void SetFocusMode (FocusMode mode)
void SetDragDropMode (DragAndDropModeFlags mode)
bool SetStyle (const ea::string &styleName, XMLFile *file=nullptr)
 Set style from an XML file. Find the style element by name. If the style file is not explicitly provided, use the default style from parental chain. Return true if the style is applied successfully. See also Defining UI layouts programmatically.
bool SetStyle (const XMLElement &element)
 Set style from an XML element. Return true if the style is applied successfully.
bool SetStyleAuto (XMLFile *file=nullptr)
 Set style from an XML file. Find the style element automatically by using the element's typename. If the style file is not explicitly provided, use the default style from parental chain. Return true if the style is applied successfully. See also Defining UI layouts programmatically.
void SetDefaultStyle (XMLFile *style)
void SetLayout (LayoutMode mode, int spacing=0, const IntRect &border=IntRect::ZERO)
 Set layout parameters.
void SetLayoutMode (LayoutMode mode)
void SetLayoutSpacing (int spacing)
void SetLayoutBorder (const IntRect &border)
void SetLayoutFlexScale (const Vector2 &scale)
void SetIndent (int indent)
void SetIndentSpacing (int indentSpacing)
void UpdateLayout ()
 Manually update layout. Should not be necessary in most cases, but is provided for completeness.
void DisableLayoutUpdate ()
 Disable automatic layout update. Should only be used if there are performance problems.
void EnableLayoutUpdate ()
 Enable automatic layout update.
void BringToFront ()
 Bring UI element to front.
UIElementCreateChild (StringHash type, const ea::string &name=EMPTY_STRING, unsigned index=M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
 Create and add a child element and return it.
void AddChild (UIElement *element)
 Add a child element.
void InsertChild (unsigned index, UIElement *element)
 Insert a child element into a specific position in the child list.
void RemoveChild (UIElement *element, unsigned index=0)
 Remove a child element. Starting search at specified index if provided.
void RemoveChildAtIndex (unsigned index)
 Remove a child element at index.
void RemoveAllChildren ()
 Remove all child elements.
void Remove ()
 Remove from the parent element. If no other shared pointer references exist, causes immediate deletion.
unsigned FindChild (UIElement *element) const
 Find child index. Return M_MAX_UNSIGNED if not found.
void SetParent (UIElement *parent, unsigned index=M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
 Set parent element. Same as parent->InsertChild(index, this).
void SetVar (const ea::string &key, const Variant &value)
 Set a user variable.
void SetVarByHash (StringHash hash, const Variant &value)
void SetInternal (bool enable)
void SetTraversalMode (TraversalMode traversalMode)
void SetElementEventSender (bool flag)
void SetTags (const StringVector &tags)
 Set tags. Old tags are overwritten.
void AddTag (const ea::string &tag)
 Add a tag.
void AddTags (const ea::string &tags, char separator=';')
 Add tags with the specified separator (; by default).
void AddTags (const StringVector &tags)
 Add tags.
bool RemoveTag (const ea::string &tag)
 Remove specific tag. Return true if existed.
void RemoveAllTags ()
 Remove all tags.
template<class T >
T * CreateChild (const ea::string &name=EMPTY_STRING, unsigned index=M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
 Template version of creating a child element.
template<class T >
T * GetChildStaticCast (unsigned index) const
 Template version of returning child element by index using static cast.
template<class T >
T * GetChildStaticCast (const ea::string &name, bool recursive=false) const
 Template version of returning child element by name using static cast.
template<class T >
T * GetChildStaticCast (const StringHash &key, const Variant &value=Variant::EMPTY, bool recursive=false) const
 Template version of returning child element by variable using static cast. If only key is provided, return the first child having the matching variable key. If value is also provided then the actual variable value would also be checked against.
template<class T >
T * GetChildDynamicCast (unsigned index) const
 Template version of returning child element by index using dynamic cast. May return 0 when casting failed.
template<class T >
T * GetChildDynamicCast (const ea::string &name, bool recursive=false) const
 Template version of returning child element by name using dynamic cast. May return 0 when casting failed.
template<class T >
T * GetChildDynamicCast (const StringHash &key, const Variant &value=Variant::EMPTY, bool recursive=false) const
 Template version of returning child element by variable. If only key is provided, return the first child having the matching variable key. If value is also provided then the actual variable value would also be checked against using dynamic cast. May return 0 when casting failed.
const ea::string & GetName () const
const IntVector2GetPosition () const
const IntVector2GetSize () const
int GetWidth () const
int GetHeight () const
const IntVector2GetMinSize () const
int GetMinWidth () const
int GetMinHeight () const
const IntVector2GetMaxSize () const
int GetMaxWidth () const
int GetMaxHeight () const
bool IsFixedSize () const
bool IsFixedWidth () const
bool IsFixedHeight () const
const IntVector2GetChildOffset () const
HorizontalAlignment GetHorizontalAlignment () const
VerticalAlignment GetVerticalAlignment () const
bool GetEnableAnchor () const
const Vector2GetMinAnchor () const
const Vector2GetMaxAnchor () const
const IntVector2GetMinOffset () const
const IntVector2GetMaxOffset () const
const Vector2GetPivot () const
const IntRectGetClipBorder () const
const ColorGetColor (Corner corner) const
int GetPriority () const
float GetOpacity () const
float GetDerivedOpacity () const
bool GetBringToFront () const
bool GetBringToBack () const
bool GetClipChildren () const
bool GetSortChildren () const
bool GetUseDerivedOpacity () const
bool HasFocus () const
bool IsChildOf (UIElement *element) const
 Return whether is a direct or indirect child of specified element.
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsEnabledSelf () const
bool IsEditable () const
bool IsSelected () const
bool IsVisible () const
bool IsVisibleEffective () const
bool IsHovering () const
bool IsInternal () const
bool HasColorGradient () const
FocusMode GetFocusMode () const
DragAndDropModeFlags GetDragDropMode () const
const ea::string & GetAppliedStyle () const
XMLFileGetDefaultStyle (bool recursiveUp=true) const
 Return default style.
LayoutMode GetLayoutMode () const
int GetLayoutSpacing () const
const IntRectGetLayoutBorder () const
const Vector2GetLayoutFlexScale () const
unsigned GetNumChildren (bool recursive=false) const
 Return number of child elements.
UIElementGetChild (unsigned index) const
UIElementGetChild (const ea::string &name, bool recursive=false) const
 Return child element by name.
UIElementGetChild (const StringHash &key, const Variant &value=Variant::EMPTY, bool recursive=false) const
 Return child element by variable. If only key is provided, return the first child having the matching variable key. If value is also provided then the actual variable value would also be checked against.
const ea::vector< SharedPtr< UIElement > > & GetChildren () const
 Return immediate child elements.
void GetChildren (ea::vector< UIElement * > &dest, bool recursive=false) const
 Return child elements either recursively or non-recursively.
ea::vector< UIElement * > GetChildren (bool recursive) const
 Return child elements, optionally recursive.
UIElementGetParent () const
UIElementGetRoot () const
const ColorGetDerivedColor () const
 Return derived color. Only valid when no gradient.
const VariantGetVar (const ea::string &key) const
 Return a user variable.
const VariantGetVarByHash (StringHash key) const
const StringVariantMapGetVars () const
 Return all user variables.
bool HasTag (const ea::string &tag) const
 Return whether element is tagged by a specific tag.
const StringVectorGetTags () const
void GetChildrenWithTag (ea::vector< UIElement * > &dest, const ea::string &tag, bool recursive=false) const
 Return child elements with a specific tag either recursively or non-recursively.
ea::vector< UIElement * > GetChildrenWithTag (const ea::string &tag, bool recursive=false) const
 Return child elements with a specific tag either recursively or non-recursively.
MouseButtonFlags GetDragButtonCombo () const
unsigned GetDragButtonCount () const
bool IsInside (IntVector2 position, bool isScreen)
 Return whether a point (either in element or screen coordinates) is inside the element.
bool IsInsideCombined (IntVector2 position, bool isScreen)
 Return whether a point (either in element or screen coordinates) is inside the combined rect of the element and its children.
IntRect GetCombinedScreenRect ()
void SortChildren ()
 Sort child elements if sorting enabled and order dirty. Called by UI.
int GetLayoutElementMaxSize () const
 Return maximum layout element size in the layout direction. Only valid after layout has been calculated. Used internally by UI for optimizations.
int GetIndent () const
int GetIndentSpacing () const
int GetIndentWidth () const
void SetChildOffset (const IntVector2 &offset)
 Set child offset.
void SetHovering (bool enable)
 Set hovering state.
void AdjustScissor (IntRect &currentScissor)
 Adjust scissor for rendering.
void GetBatchesWithOffset (IntVector2 &offset, ea::vector< UIBatch > &batches, ea::vector< float > &vertexData, IntRect currentScissor)
 Get UI rendering batches with a specified offset. Also recurse to child elements.
const ColorGetColorAttr () const
 Return color attribute. Uses just the top-left color.
TraversalMode GetTraversalMode () const
bool IsElementEventSender () const
UIElementGetElementEventSender () const
 Get element which should send child added / removed events.
IntVector2 GetEffectiveMinSize () const
 Return effective minimum size, also considering layout. Used internally.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
 Animatable (Context *context)
 ~Animatable () override
bool LoadJSON (const JSONValue &source) override
 Load from JSON data. Return true if successful.
bool SaveJSON (JSONValue &dest) const override
 Save as JSON data. Return true if successful.
void SetAnimationEnabled (bool enable)
void SetAnimationTime (float time)
 Set time position of all attribute animations or an object animation manually. Automatic update should be disabled in this case.
void SetObjectAnimation (ObjectAnimation *objectAnimation)
void SetAttributeAnimation (const ea::string &name, ValueAnimation *attributeAnimation, WrapMode wrapMode=WM_LOOP, float speed=1.0f)
 Set attribute animation.
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode (const ea::string &name, WrapMode wrapMode)
 Set attribute animation wrap mode.
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed (const ea::string &name, float speed)
 Set attribute animation speed.
void SetAttributeAnimationTime (const ea::string &name, float time)
 Set attribute animation time position manually. Automatic update should be disabled in this case.
void RemoveObjectAnimation ()
 Remove object animation. Same as calling SetObjectAnimation with a null pointer.
void RemoveAttributeAnimation (const ea::string &name)
 Remove attribute animation. Same as calling SetAttributeAnimation with a null pointer.
bool GetAnimationEnabled () const
ObjectAnimationGetObjectAnimation () const
ValueAnimationGetAttributeAnimation (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute animation.
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute animation wrap mode.
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute animation speed.
float GetAttributeAnimationTime (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute animation time position.
void SetObjectAnimationAttr (const ResourceRef &value)
 Set object animation attribute.
ResourceRef GetObjectAnimationAttr () const
 Return object animation attribute.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Serializable
 Serializable (Context *context)
 ~Serializable () override
virtual void OnSetAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attr, const Variant &src)
 Handle attribute write access. Default implementation writes to the variable at offset, or invokes the set accessor.
virtual void OnGetAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attr, Variant &dest) const
 Handle attribute read access. Default implementation reads the variable at offset, or invokes the get accessor.
virtual ObjectReflectionGetReflection () const
 Return reflection used for serialization.
virtual const ea::vector< AttributeInfo > * GetAttributes () const
 Return attribute descriptions, or null if none defined.
void SerializeInBlock (Archive &archive) override
 Serialize content from/to archive. May throw ArchiveException.
void SerializeInBlock (Archive &archive, bool serializeTemporary)
virtual bool Load (Deserializer &source)
 Load from binary data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool Save (Serializer &dest) const
 Save as binary data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool Load (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from binary resource.
virtual bool LoadXML (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from XML resource.
virtual bool LoadJSON (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from JSON resource.
virtual bool LoadFile (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from resource of automatically detected type.
virtual bool SaveDefaultAttributes (const AttributeInfo &attr) const
 Return whether should save default-valued attributes into XML. Default false.
bool SetAttribute (unsigned index, const Variant &value)
bool SetAttribute (const ea::string &name, const Variant &value)
 Set attribute by name. Return true if successfully set.
void SetInstanceDefault (bool enable)
 (Internal use) Set instance-level default flag.
void SetInstanceDefault (const ea::string &name, const Variant &defaultValue)
 (Internal use) Set instance-level default value. Allocate the internal data structure as necessary.
virtual Variant GetInstanceDefault (const ea::string &name) const
 (Internal use) Get instance-level default value.
void ResetToDefault ()
 Reset all editable attributes to their default values.
void RemoveInstanceDefault ()
 Remove instance's default values if they are set previously.
void SetTemporary (bool enable)
Variant GetAttribute (unsigned index) const
Variant GetAttribute (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute value by name. Return empty if not found.
Variant GetAttributeDefault (unsigned index) const
Variant GetAttributeDefault (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute default value by name. Return empty if not found.
unsigned GetNumAttributes () const
void CopyAttributes (const Serializable *source, bool resetToDefault=true)
 Copy all attributes from another serializable.
SharedPtr< SerializableClone (bool resetToDefault=true) const
 Clone this serializable.
bool IsTemporary () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Object
 Object (Context *context)
 ~Object () override
 Destruct. Clean up self from event sender & receiver structures.
virtual StringHash GetType () const =0
virtual const ea::string & GetTypeName () const =0
virtual const TypeInfoGetTypeInfo () const =0
 Return type info.
virtual bool IsInstanceOf (StringHash type) const =0
 Check whether current instance implements specified type.
virtual void OnEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle event.
template<typename T >
bool IsInstanceOf () const
 Check current instance is type of specified class.
template<typename T >
T * Cast ()
 Cast the object to specified most derived class.
template<typename T >
const T * Cast () const
 Cast the object to specified most derived class.
void SubscribeToEventManual (StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler)
 Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender.
void SubscribeToEventManual (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler)
 Subscribe to a specific sender's event.
template<class T >
void SubscribeToEvent (StringHash eventType, T handler)
 Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender.
template<class T >
void SubscribeToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, T handler)
 Subscribe to a specific sender's event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvent (StringHash eventType)
 Unsubscribe from an event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType)
 Unsubscribe from a specific sender's event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvents (Object *sender)
 Unsubscribe from a specific sender's events.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEvents ()
 Unsubscribe from all events.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept (const ea::vector< StringHash > &exceptions)
 Unsubscribe from all events except those listed.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept (const ea::vector< Object * > &exceptions)
 Unsubscribe from all events except those with listed senders.
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType)
 Send event to all subscribers.
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Send event with parameters to all subscribers.
VariantMapGetEventDataMap () const
 Return a preallocated map for event data. Used for optimization to avoid constant re-allocation of event data maps.
template<typename... Args>
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, const Args &... args)
 Send event with variadic parameter pairs to all subscribers. The parameters are (paramID, paramValue) pairs.
ContextGetContext () const
 Return execution context.
const VariantGetGlobalVar (StringHash key) const
const VariantMapGetGlobalVars () const
void SetGlobalVar (StringHash key, const Variant &value)
ObjectGetSubsystem (StringHash type) const
 Return subsystem by type.
ObjectGetEventSender () const
 Return active event sender. Null outside event handling.
EventHandlerGetEventHandler () const
 Return active event handler. Null outside event handling.
bool HasSubscribedToEvent (StringHash eventType) const
 Return whether has subscribed to an event without specific sender.
bool HasSubscribedToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType) const
 Return whether has subscribed to a specific sender's event.
bool HasEventHandlers () const
 Return whether has subscribed to any event.
template<class T >
T * GetSubsystem () const
 Template version of returning a subsystem.
const ea::string & GetCategory () const
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, const VariantMap &eventData)
 Send event with parameters to all subscribers.
void SetBlockEvents (bool block)
 Block object from sending and receiving events.
bool GetBlockEvents () const
 Return sending and receiving events blocking status.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::RefCounted
 RefCounted ()
 Construct. Allocate the reference count structure and set an initial self weak reference.
virtual ~RefCounted ()
 Destruct. Mark as expired and also delete the reference count structure if no outside weak references exist.
 RefCounted (const RefCounted &rhs)=delete
 Prevent copy construction.
RefCountedoperator= (const RefCounted &rhs)=delete
 Prevent assignment.
int AddRef ()
int ReleaseRef ()
int Refs () const
int WeakRefs () const
RefCountRefCountPtr () const
 Return pointer to the reference count structure.
bool HasScriptObject () const
 Return true if script runtime object wrapping this native object exists.
bool IsScriptStrongRef () const
 Return true if script reference is strong.

Static Public Member Functions

static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::UISelectable
static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::UIElement
static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Object
static const TypeInfoGetTypeInfoStatic ()
 Return type info static.

Protected Member Functions

bool FilterImplicitAttributes (XMLElement &dest) const override
 Filter implicit attributes in serialization process.
void UpdateText (bool onResize=false)
 Update text when text, font or spacing changed.
void UpdateCharLocations ()
 Update cached character locations after text update, or when text alignment or indent has changed.
void ValidateSelection ()
 Validate text selection to be within the text.
int GetRowStartPosition (unsigned rowIndex) const
 Return row start X position.
void ConstructBatch (UIBatch &pageBatch, const ea::vector< GlyphLocation > &pageGlyphLocation, float dx=0, float dy=0, Color *color=nullptr, float depthBias=0.0f)
 Construct batch.
void HandleChangeLanguage (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle change Language.
void DecodeToUnicode ()
 UTF8 to Unicode.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::UIElement
void OnAttributeAnimationAdded () override
 Handle attribute animation added.
void OnAttributeAnimationRemoved () override
 Handle attribute animation removed.
AnimatableFindAttributeAnimationTarget (const ea::string &name, ea::string &outName) override
 Find target of an attribute animation from object hierarchy by name.
void MarkDirty ()
 Mark screen position as needing an update.
bool RemoveChildXML (XMLElement &parent, const ea::string &name) const
 Remove child XML element by matching attribute name.
bool RemoveChildXML (XMLElement &parent, const ea::string &name, const ea::string &value) const
 Remove child XML element by matching attribute name and value.
bool FilterUIStyleAttributes (XMLElement &dest, const XMLElement &styleElem) const
 Filter UI-style attributes in serialization process.
void UpdateAnchoring ()
 Update anchored size & position. Only called when anchoring is enabled.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
void SetObjectAttributeAnimation (const ea::string &name, ValueAnimation *attributeAnimation, WrapMode wrapMode, float speed)
 Set object attribute animation internal.
void OnObjectAnimationAdded (ObjectAnimation *objectAnimation)
 Handle object animation added.
void OnObjectAnimationRemoved (ObjectAnimation *objectAnimation)
 Handle object animation removed.
void UpdateAttributeAnimations (float timeStep)
 Update attribute animations.
AttributeAnimationInfoGetAttributeAnimationInfo (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute animation info.
void HandleAttributeAnimationAdded (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle attribute animation added.
void HandleAttributeAnimationRemoved (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle attribute animation removed.

Protected Attributes

SharedPtr< Fontfont_
WeakPtr< FontFacefontFace_
 Current face.
float fontSize_
 Font size.
ea::string text_
 UTF-8 encoded text.
HorizontalAlignment textAlignment_
 Row alignment.
float rowSpacing_
 Row spacing.
bool wordWrap_
 Wordwrap mode.
bool charLocationsDirty_
 Char positions dirty flag.
unsigned selectionStart_
 Selection start.
unsigned selectionLength_
 Selection length.
TextEffect textEffect_
 Text effect.
IntVector2 shadowOffset_
 Text effect shadow offset.
int strokeThickness_
 Text effect stroke thickness.
bool roundStroke_
 Text effect stroke rounding flag.
Color effectColor_
 Effect color.
float effectDepthBias_
 Text effect Z bias.
float rowHeight_
 Row height.
ea::vector< unsigned > unicodeText_
 Text as Unicode characters.
ea::vector< unsigned > printText_
 Text modified into printed form.
ea::vector< unsigned > printToText_
 Mapping of printed form back to original char indices.
ea::vector< float > rowWidths_
 Row widths.
ea::vector< ea::vector< GlyphLocation > > pageGlyphLocations_
 Glyph locations per each texture in the font.
ea::vector< CharLocationcharLocations_
 Cached locations of each character in the text.
bool autoLocalizable_
 The text will be automatically translated.
ea::string stringId_
 Localization string id storage. Used when autoLocalizable flag is set.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::UISelectable
Color selectionColor_ {Color::TRANSPARENT_BLACK}
 Selection background color.
Color hoverColor_ {Color::TRANSPARENT_BLACK}
 Hover background color.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::UIElement
ea::string name_
ea::vector< SharedPtr< UIElement > > children_
 Child elements.
UIElementparent_ {}
 Parent element.
IntRect clipBorder_
 Child element clipping border.
StringVariantMap vars_
 User variables.
int priority_ {}
bool bringToFront_ {}
 Bring to front when focused flag.
bool bringToBack_ {true}
 Bring to back when defocused flag.
bool clipChildren_ {}
 Clip children flag.
bool sortChildren_ {true}
 Sort children according to priority flag.
bool useDerivedOpacity_ {true}
 Use derived opacity flag.
bool enabled_ {}
 Input enabled flag.
bool enabledPrev_ {}
 Last SetEnabled flag before any SetDeepEnabled.
bool editable_ {true}
 Value editable flag.
bool selected_ {}
 Selected flag.
bool visible_ {true}
 Visible flag.
bool hovering_ {}
 Hovering flag.
bool internal_ {}
 Internally created flag.
FocusMode focusMode_ {FM_NOTFOCUSABLE}
 Focus mode.
DragAndDropModeFlags dragDropMode_ {DD_DISABLED}
 Drag and drop flags.
LayoutMode layoutMode_ {LM_FREE}
 Layout mode.
int layoutSpacing_ {}
 Layout spacing.
IntRect layoutBorder_ {}
 Layout borders.
Vector2 layoutFlexScale_ {Vector2::ONE}
 Layout flex scale.
unsigned resizeNestingLevel_ {}
 Resize nesting level to prevent multiple events and endless loop.
unsigned layoutNestingLevel_ {}
 Layout update nesting level to prevent endless loop.
int layoutElementMaxSize_ {}
 Layout element maximum size in layout direction.
int indent_ {}
 Horizontal indentation.
int indentSpacing_ {16}
 Indent spacing (number of pixels per indentation level).
IntVector2 position_ {}
IntVector2 screenPosition_
 Screen position.
bool positionDirty_ {true}
 Screen position dirty flag.
ea::string appliedStyle_
 Applied style.
MouseButtonFlags dragButtonCombo_ {}
 Drag button combo.
unsigned dragButtonCount_ {}
 Drag button count.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
bool animationEnabled_
 Animation enabled.
SharedPtr< ObjectAnimationobjectAnimation_
ea::unordered_map< ea::string, SharedPtr< AttributeAnimationInfo > > attributeAnimationInfos_
 Attribute animation infos.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Serializable
ea::unique_ptr< VariantMapinstanceDefaultValues_
 Attribute default value at each instance level.
bool setInstanceDefault_
 When true, store the attribute value as instance's default value (internal use only).
bool temporary_
 Temporary flag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Object
WeakPtr< Contextcontext_
 Execution context.

Private Member Functions

 URHO3D_OBJECT (Text, UISelectable)


class Text3D

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Object
static constexpr ea::array< StringHash, 0 > TypeHierarchy {}

Detailed Description

Text UI element.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAutoLocalizable()

bool Urho3D::Text::GetAutoLocalizable ( ) const

Return auto localizable mode.

◆ GetCharPosition()

Vector2 Urho3D::Text::GetCharPosition ( unsigned  index)

Return position of character by index relative to the text element origin.

◆ GetCharSize()

Vector2 Urho3D::Text::GetCharSize ( unsigned  index)

Return size of character by index.

◆ GetEffectColor()

const Color& Urho3D::Text::GetEffectColor ( ) const

Return effect color.

◆ GetEffectRoundStroke()

bool Urho3D::Text::GetEffectRoundStroke ( ) const

Return effect round stroke.

◆ GetEffectShadowOffset()

const IntVector2& Urho3D::Text::GetEffectShadowOffset ( ) const

Return effect shadow offset.

◆ GetEffectStrokeThickness()

int Urho3D::Text::GetEffectStrokeThickness ( ) const

Return effect stroke thickness.

◆ GetFont()

Font* Urho3D::Text::GetFont ( ) const

Return font.

◆ GetFontSize()

float Urho3D::Text::GetFontSize ( ) const

Return font size.

◆ GetNumChars()

unsigned Urho3D::Text::GetNumChars ( ) const

Return number of characters.

◆ GetNumRows()

unsigned Urho3D::Text::GetNumRows ( ) const

Return number of rows.

◆ GetRowHeight()

float Urho3D::Text::GetRowHeight ( ) const

Return row height.

◆ GetRowSpacing()

float Urho3D::Text::GetRowSpacing ( ) const

Return row spacing.

◆ GetRowWidth()

float Urho3D::Text::GetRowWidth ( unsigned  index) const

Return width of row by index.

◆ GetSelectionLength()

unsigned Urho3D::Text::GetSelectionLength ( ) const

Return selection length.

◆ GetSelectionStart()

unsigned Urho3D::Text::GetSelectionStart ( ) const

Return selection start.

◆ GetText()

const ea::string& Urho3D::Text::GetText ( ) const

Return text.

◆ GetTextAlignment()

HorizontalAlignment Urho3D::Text::GetTextAlignment ( ) const

Return row alignment.

◆ GetTextEffect()

TextEffect Urho3D::Text::GetTextEffect ( ) const

Return text effect.

◆ GetWordwrap()

bool Urho3D::Text::GetWordwrap ( ) const

Return wordwrap mode.

◆ RegisterObject()

void Urho3D::Text::RegisterObject ( Context context)

Register object factory.

◆ SetAutoLocalizable()

void Urho3D::Text::SetAutoLocalizable ( bool  enable)

The text will be automatically translated. The text value used as string identifier.

◆ SetEffectColor()

void Urho3D::Text::SetEffectColor ( const Color effectColor)

Set effect color.

◆ SetEffectRoundStroke()

void Urho3D::Text::SetEffectRoundStroke ( bool  roundStroke)

Set stroke rounding. Corners of the font will be rounded off in the stroke so the stroke won't have corners.

◆ SetEffectShadowOffset()

void Urho3D::Text::SetEffectShadowOffset ( const IntVector2 offset)

Set shadow offset.

◆ SetEffectStrokeThickness()

void Urho3D::Text::SetEffectStrokeThickness ( int  thickness)

Set stroke thickness.

◆ SetFontSize()

bool Urho3D::Text::SetFontSize ( float  size)

Set font size only while retaining the existing font. Return true if successful.

◆ SetRowSpacing()

void Urho3D::Text::SetRowSpacing ( float  spacing)

Set row spacing, 1.0 for original font spacing.

◆ SetText()

void Urho3D::Text::SetText ( const ea::string &  text)

Set text. Text is assumed to be either ASCII or UTF8-encoded.

◆ SetTextAlignment()

void Urho3D::Text::SetTextAlignment ( HorizontalAlignment  align)

Set row alignment.

◆ SetTextEffect()

void Urho3D::Text::SetTextEffect ( TextEffect  textEffect)

Set text effect.

◆ SetWordwrap()

void Urho3D::Text::SetWordwrap ( bool  enable)

Set wordwrap. In wordwrap mode the text element will respect its current width. Otherwise it resizes itself freely.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: