Rebel Fork Framework
Urho3D::Widgets::EditVariantOptions Struct Reference

Parameters for rendering arbitrary variant value. More...

#include <Urho3D/SystemUI/Widgets.h>

Public Member Functions

EditVariantOptionsAsColor ()
EditVariantOptionsAsBitmask ()
EditVariantOptionsRange (double min, double max)
EditVariantOptionsStep (double step)
EditVariantOptionsEnum (const StringVector &values)
EditVariantOptionsResourceTypes (const StringVector &types)
EditVariantOptionsSizedStructVector (const StringVector &names)
EditVariantOptionsAllowResize ()
EditVariantOptionsAllowTypeChange ()
EditVariantOptionsDynamicMetadata ()

Public Attributes

double step_ {0.01}
 Increment per pixel for scalar scrolls.
double min_ {0.0f}
 Minimum value (for component).
double max_ {0.0f}
 Maximum value (for component).
bool asColor_ {}
 Whether to treat Vector3 and Vector4 as color values.
bool allowResize_ {}
 Whether to allow resize for dynamically sized containers.
bool allowTypeChange_ {}
 Whether to allow element type changes for containers.
bool asBitmask_ {}
 Whether to treat integer as bitmask.
bool dynamicMetadata_ {}
 Whether to extract elements metadata dynamically from the inspected StringVariantMap itself.
const StringVectorintToString_ {}
 Enum values used to convert integer to string.
const StringVectorresourceTypes_ {}
 Allowed resource types.
const StringVectorsizedStructVectorElements_ {}
 Structure array element names.

Detailed Description

Parameters for rendering arbitrary variant value.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: