Rebel Fork Framework
Urho3D::RaycastVehicle Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Urho3D::RaycastVehicle:
Urho3D::LogicComponent Urho3D::Component Urho3D::Serializable Urho3D::Object Urho3D::RefCounted

Public Member Functions

 RaycastVehicle (Urho3D::Context *context)
 ~RaycastVehicle () override
void DrawWheelDebugGeometry (unsigned index, DebugRenderer *debug, bool depthTest) const
 Visualize wheel as debug geometry.
void OnSetEnabled () override
 Handle enabled/disabled state change.
void ApplyAttributes () override
 Perform post-load after deserialization. Acquire the components from the scene nodes.
void ApplyWheelAttributes (unsigned index)
 Immediately apply wheel attributes to physics.
void AddWheel (RaycastVehicleWheel *wheel)
 Add a wheel.
void RemoveWheel (RaycastVehicleWheel *wheel)
 Remove a wheel.
RaycastVehicleWheelGetWheel (unsigned index) const
 Get wheel.
float GetEngineForce () const
 Get maximum linear momentum supplied by engine to RigidBody.
void SetEngineForce (float engineForce)
 Set maximum linear momentum supplied by engine to RigidBody.
float GetBrakingForce () const
 Get rotational momentum preventing (dampening) wheels rotation.
void SetBrakingForce (float brakingForce)
 Set rotational momentum preventing (dampening) wheels rotation.
void UpdateInput (float steering, float engineForceFactor, float brakingForceFactor)
 Update input values for wheels.
void ResetSuspension ()
 Reset all suspension.
void ResetWheels ()
 Sets node initial positions.
void InvalidateStaticWheelParameters (unsigned wheelIndex)
 Mark wheel static data as dirty and update it before simulation.
void InvalidateDynamicWheelParameters (unsigned wheelIndex)
 Mark wheel dynamic data as dirty and update it before simulation.
void UpdateWheelTransform (int wheel, bool interpolated)
 Update transform for particular wheel.
void SetMaxSideSlipSpeed (float speed)
void SetInAirRPM (float rpm)
void SetCoordinateSystem (const IntVector3 &coordinateSystem=RIGHT_FORWARD_UP)
void Init ()
 Init the vehicle component after creation.
void FixedUpdate (float timeStep) override
 Perform fixed step pre-update.
void FixedPostUpdate (float timeStep) override
 Perform fixed step post-update.
void PostUpdate (float timeStep) override
 Perform variable step post-update.
Vector3 GetWheelPosition (int wheel) const
 Get wheel position relative to RigidBody.
Quaternion GetWheelRotation (int wheel) const
 Get wheel rotation relative to RigidBody.
Vector3 GetWheelConnectionPoint (int wheel) const
 Get wheel connection point relative to RigidBody.
int GetNumWheels () const
float GetMaxSideSlipSpeed () const
float GetInAirRPM () const
IntVector3 GetCoordinateSystem () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::LogicComponent
 LogicComponent (Context *context)
 ~LogicComponent () override
void OnSetEnabled () override
 Handle enabled/disabled state change. Changes update event subscription.
virtual void Start ()
 Called when the component is added to a scene node. Other components may not yet exist.
virtual void DelayedStart ()
 Called before the first update. At this point all other components of the node should exist. Will also be called if update events are not wanted; in that case the event is immediately unsubscribed afterward.
virtual void Stop ()
 Called when the component is detached from a scene node, usually on destruction. Note that you will no longer have access to the node and scene at that point.
virtual void Update (float timeStep)
 Called on scene update, variable timestep.
virtual StringHash GetUpdateEvent () const
virtual StringHash GetPostUpdateEvent () const
 Return post update event type. Should stay the same for any given instance of the component.
void SetUpdateEventMask (UpdateEventFlags mask)
 Set what update events should be subscribed to. Use this for optimization: by default all are in use. Note that this is not an attribute and is not saved or network-serialized, therefore it should always be called eg. in the subclass constructor.
UpdateEventFlags GetUpdateEventMask () const
 Return what update events are subscribed to.
bool IsDelayedStartCalled () const
 Return whether the DelayedStart() function has been called.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Component
 Component (Context *context)
 ~Component () override
AttributeScopeHint GetEffectiveScopeHint () const
bool Save (Serializer &dest) const override
 Save as binary data. Return true if successful.
bool SaveXML (XMLElement &dest) const override
 Save as XML data. Return true if successful.
bool SaveJSON (JSONValue &dest) const override
 Save as JSON data. Return true if successful.
virtual void GetDependencyNodes (ea::vector< Node * > &dest)
 Return the depended on nodes to order network updates.
virtual void DrawDebugGeometry (DebugRenderer *debug, bool depthTest)
 Visualize the component as debug geometry.
virtual bool HasAuxiliaryData () const
virtual void SerializeAuxiliaryData (Archive &archive)
 Serialize auxiliary data from/to the current block of the archive. May throw ArchiveException.
void SetEnabled (bool enable)
void Remove ()
 Remove from the scene node. If no other shared pointer references exist, causes immediate deletion.
unsigned GetID () const
Node * GetNode () const
SceneGetScene () const
 Return the scene the node belongs to.
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsEnabledEffective () const
ea::string GetFullNameDebug () const
 Return full component name for debugging. Unique for each component in the scene. Slow!
ComponentGetComponent (StringHash type) const
 Return component in the same scene node by type. If there are several, returns the first.
template<class T >
T * GetComponent () const
 Template version of returning a component in the same scene node by type.
unsigned GetIndexInParent () const
 Return index of this component in the node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Serializable
 Serializable (Context *context)
 ~Serializable () override
virtual void OnSetAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attr, const Variant &src)
 Handle attribute write access. Default implementation writes to the variable at offset, or invokes the set accessor.
virtual void OnGetAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attr, Variant &dest) const
 Handle attribute read access. Default implementation reads the variable at offset, or invokes the get accessor.
virtual ObjectReflectionGetReflection () const
 Return reflection used for serialization.
virtual const ea::vector< AttributeInfo > * GetAttributes () const
 Return attribute descriptions, or null if none defined.
void SerializeInBlock (Archive &archive) override
 Serialize content from/to archive. May throw ArchiveException.
void SerializeInBlock (Archive &archive, bool serializeTemporary)
virtual bool Load (Deserializer &source)
 Load from binary data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool LoadXML (const XMLElement &source)
 Load from XML data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool LoadJSON (const JSONValue &source)
 Load from JSON data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool Load (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from binary resource.
virtual bool LoadXML (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from XML resource.
virtual bool LoadJSON (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from JSON resource.
virtual bool LoadFile (const ea::string &resourceName)
 Load from resource of automatically detected type.
virtual bool SaveDefaultAttributes (const AttributeInfo &attr) const
 Return whether should save default-valued attributes into XML. Default false.
bool SetAttribute (unsigned index, const Variant &value)
bool SetAttribute (const ea::string &name, const Variant &value)
 Set attribute by name. Return true if successfully set.
void SetInstanceDefault (bool enable)
 (Internal use) Set instance-level default flag.
void SetInstanceDefault (const ea::string &name, const Variant &defaultValue)
 (Internal use) Set instance-level default value. Allocate the internal data structure as necessary.
virtual Variant GetInstanceDefault (const ea::string &name) const
 (Internal use) Get instance-level default value.
void ResetToDefault ()
 Reset all editable attributes to their default values.
void RemoveInstanceDefault ()
 Remove instance's default values if they are set previously.
void SetTemporary (bool enable)
Variant GetAttribute (unsigned index) const
Variant GetAttribute (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute value by name. Return empty if not found.
Variant GetAttributeDefault (unsigned index) const
Variant GetAttributeDefault (const ea::string &name) const
 Return attribute default value by name. Return empty if not found.
unsigned GetNumAttributes () const
void CopyAttributes (const Serializable *source, bool resetToDefault=true)
 Copy all attributes from another serializable.
SharedPtr< SerializableClone (bool resetToDefault=true) const
 Clone this serializable.
bool IsTemporary () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Object
 Object (Context *context)
 ~Object () override
 Destruct. Clean up self from event sender & receiver structures.
virtual StringHash GetType () const =0
virtual const ea::string & GetTypeName () const =0
virtual const TypeInfoGetTypeInfo () const =0
 Return type info.
virtual bool IsInstanceOf (StringHash type) const =0
 Check whether current instance implements specified type.
virtual void OnEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle event.
template<typename T >
bool IsInstanceOf () const
 Check current instance is type of specified class.
template<typename T >
T * Cast ()
 Cast the object to specified most derived class.
template<typename T >
const T * Cast () const
 Cast the object to specified most derived class.
void SubscribeToEventManual (StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler)
 Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender.
void SubscribeToEventManual (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler)
 Subscribe to a specific sender's event.
template<class T >
void SubscribeToEvent (StringHash eventType, T handler)
 Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender.
template<class T >
void SubscribeToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, T handler)
 Subscribe to a specific sender's event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvent (StringHash eventType)
 Unsubscribe from an event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType)
 Unsubscribe from a specific sender's event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvents (Object *sender)
 Unsubscribe from a specific sender's events.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEvents ()
 Unsubscribe from all events.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept (const ea::vector< StringHash > &exceptions)
 Unsubscribe from all events except those listed.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept (const ea::vector< Object * > &exceptions)
 Unsubscribe from all events except those with listed senders.
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType)
 Send event to all subscribers.
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Send event with parameters to all subscribers.
VariantMapGetEventDataMap () const
 Return a preallocated map for event data. Used for optimization to avoid constant re-allocation of event data maps.
template<typename... Args>
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, const Args &... args)
 Send event with variadic parameter pairs to all subscribers. The parameters are (paramID, paramValue) pairs.
ContextGetContext () const
 Return execution context.
const VariantGetGlobalVar (StringHash key) const
const VariantMapGetGlobalVars () const
void SetGlobalVar (StringHash key, const Variant &value)
ObjectGetSubsystem (StringHash type) const
 Return subsystem by type.
ObjectGetEventSender () const
 Return active event sender. Null outside event handling.
EventHandlerGetEventHandler () const
 Return active event handler. Null outside event handling.
bool HasSubscribedToEvent (StringHash eventType) const
 Return whether has subscribed to an event without specific sender.
bool HasSubscribedToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType) const
 Return whether has subscribed to a specific sender's event.
bool HasEventHandlers () const
 Return whether has subscribed to any event.
template<class T >
T * GetSubsystem () const
 Template version of returning a subsystem.
const ea::string & GetCategory () const
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, const VariantMap &eventData)
 Send event with parameters to all subscribers.
void SetBlockEvents (bool block)
 Block object from sending and receiving events.
bool GetBlockEvents () const
 Return sending and receiving events blocking status.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::RefCounted
 RefCounted ()
 Construct. Allocate the reference count structure and set an initial self weak reference.
virtual ~RefCounted ()
 Destruct. Mark as expired and also delete the reference count structure if no outside weak references exist.
 RefCounted (const RefCounted &rhs)=delete
 Prevent copy construction.
RefCountedoperator= (const RefCounted &rhs)=delete
 Prevent assignment.
int AddRef ()
int ReleaseRef ()
int Refs () const
int WeakRefs () const
RefCountRefCountPtr () const
 Return pointer to the reference count structure.
bool HasScriptObject () const
 Return true if script runtime object wrapping this native object exists.
bool IsScriptStrongRef () const
 Return true if script reference is strong.

Static Public Member Functions

static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Object
static const TypeInfoGetTypeInfoStatic ()
 Return type info static.

Static Public Attributes

constexpr static float DefaultBrakingForce = 50.0f
constexpr static float DefaultEngineForce = 2500.0f
static const IntVector3 RIGHT_UP_FORWARD
 (0, 1, 2) coordinate system (default).
static const IntVector3 RIGHT_FORWARD_UP
 (0, 2, 1) coordinate system.
static const IntVector3 UP_FORWARD_RIGHT
 (1, 2, 0) coordinate system.
static const IntVector3 UP_RIGHT_FORWARD
 (1, 0, 2) coordinate system.
static const IntVector3 FORWARD_RIGHT_UP
 (2, 0, 1) coordinate system.
static const IntVector3 FORWARD_UP_RIGHT
 (2, 1, 0) coordinate system.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Object
static constexpr ea::array< StringHash, 0 > TypeHierarchy {}

Protected Member Functions

void OnNodeSet (Node *previousNode, Node *currentNode) override
 Handle node being assigned.
void OnMarkedDirty (Node *node) override
 Handle node transform being dirtied.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::LogicComponent
void OnNodeSet (Node *previousNode, Node *currentNode) override
 Handle scene node being assigned at creation.
void OnSceneSet (Scene *previousScene, Scene *scene) override
 Handle scene being assigned.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Component
virtual void OnNodeSetEnabled (Node *node)
 Handle scene node enabled status changing.
void SetID (unsigned id)
void SetNode (Node *node)
 Set scene node. Called by Node when creating the component.
ComponentGetFixedUpdateSource ()
 Return a component from the scene root that sends out fixed update events (either PhysicsWorld or PhysicsWorld2D). Return null if neither exists.
void DoAutoRemove (AutoRemoveMode mode)
 Perform autoremove. Called by subclasses. Caller should keep a weak pointer to itself to check whether was actually removed, and return immediately without further member operations in that case.

Private Member Functions

 URHO3D_OBJECT (RaycastVehicle, LogicComponent)

Private Attributes

bool activate_
 If the RigidBody should be activated.
WeakPtr< RigidBodyhullBody_
 Hull RigidBody.
RaycastVehicleData * vehicleData_
 Opaque Bullet data hidden from public.
IntVector3 coordinateSystem_
 Coordinate system.
ea::vector< RaycastVehicleWheel * > wheelComponents_
 Nodes of all wheels.
float inAirRPM_
 Revolutions per minute value for in-air motor wheels. FIXME: set this one per wheel.
float maxSideSlipSpeed_
 Side slip speed threshold.
float brakingForce_ {DefaultBrakingForce}
 Rotational momentum preventing (dampening) wheels rotation.
float engineForce_ {DefaultEngineForce}
 Maximum linear momentum supplied by engine to RigidBody.
bool hasSimulated_ {}
 Internal flag whether has simulated at least once.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Component
Node * node_
 Scene node.
unsigned id_
 Unique ID within the scene.
bool networkUpdate_
 Network update queued flag.
bool enabled_
 Enabled flag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Serializable
ea::unique_ptr< VariantMapinstanceDefaultValues_
 Attribute default value at each instance level.
bool setInstanceDefault_
 When true, store the attribute value as instance's default value (internal use only).
bool temporary_
 Temporary flag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Object
WeakPtr< Contextcontext_
 Execution context.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCoordinateSystem()

IntVector3 Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::GetCoordinateSystem ( ) const

Get the coordinate system.

◆ GetInAirRPM()

float Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::GetInAirRPM ( ) const

Get revolution per minute value for when wheel doesn't touch ground.

◆ GetMaxSideSlipSpeed()

float Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::GetMaxSideSlipSpeed ( ) const

Get side speed which is considered sliding.

◆ GetNumWheels()

int Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::GetNumWheels ( ) const

Get number of attached wheels.

◆ RegisterObject()

void Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::RegisterObject ( Context context)

Register object factory and attributes.

◆ SetCoordinateSystem()

void Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::SetCoordinateSystem ( const IntVector3 coordinateSystem = RIGHT_FORWARD_UP)

Set the coordinate system. The default is (0, 1, 2).

◆ SetInAirRPM()

void Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::SetInAirRPM ( float  rpm)

Set revolution per minute value for when wheel doesn't touch ground. If set to 0 (or not set), calculated from engine force (probably not what you want).

◆ SetMaxSideSlipSpeed()

void Urho3D::RaycastVehicle::SetMaxSideSlipSpeed ( float  speed)

Set side speed which is considered sliding.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: