Rebel Fork Framework
TetrahedralMesh.h File Reference
#include "../Math/BoundingBox.h"
#include "../Math/Matrix3x4.h"
#include "../Math/Vector3.h"
#include <EASTL/algorithm.h>
#include <EASTL/span.h>
#include <EASTL/utility.h>
#include <EASTL/vector.h>


struct  Urho3D::HighPrecisionVector3
 3-vector with double precision. More...
struct  Urho3D::HighPrecisionSphere
 Sphere with double precision components. More...
struct  Urho3D::TetrahedralMeshSurfaceTriangle
 Surface triangle of tetrahedral mesh with adjacency information. More...
struct  Urho3D::TetrahedralMeshSurfaceEdge
 Edge of the surface of tetrahedral mesh. More...
struct  Urho3D::TetrahedralMeshSurface
 Surface of tetrahedral mesh. Vertices are shared with tetrahedral mesh and are not stored. More...
struct  Urho3D::Tetrahedron
 Tetrahedron with adjacency information. More...
class  Urho3D::TetrahedralMesh
 Tetrahedral mesh. More...
struct  Urho3D::TetrahedralMesh::DelaunayContext
 Data used for Delaunay triangulation. More...


void Urho3D::SerializeValue (Archive &archive, const char *name, Tetrahedron &value)
 Serialize tetrahedron to archive.
void Urho3D::SerializeValue (Archive &archive, const char *name, TetrahedralMesh &value)
 Serialize tetrahedral mesh to archive.