Rebel Fork Framework
This is the complete list of members for Urho3D::IKRotateTo, including all inherited members.
AddCheckedNode(IKNodeCache &nodeCache, const ea::string &name) const | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
AddRef() | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
AddSolverNode(IKNodeCache &nodeCache, const ea::string &name) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
ApplyAttributes() | Urho3D::Serializable | inlinevirtual |
blockEvents_ | Urho3D::Object | private |
CalculateBendDirectionsInternal(const Transform &frameOfReference, const BendCalculationParams ¶ms) (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protectedstatic |
Cast() | Urho3D::Object | inline |
Cast() const | Urho3D::Object | inline |
chain_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
Clone(bool resetToDefault=true) const | Urho3D::Serializable | |
Component(Context *context) | Urho3D::Component | explicit |
context_ | Urho3D::Object | protected |
CopyAttributes(const Serializable *source, bool resetToDefault=true) | Urho3D::Serializable | |
DoAutoRemove(AutoRemoveMode mode) | Urho3D::Component | protected |
DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer *debug, bool depthTest) override | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | virtual |
DrawDirection(DebugRenderer *debug, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, bool markBegin=false, bool markEnd=true) const | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
DrawIKNode(DebugRenderer *debug, const IKNode &node, bool oriented) const | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
DrawIKSegment(DebugRenderer *debug, const IKNode &beginNode, const IKNode &endNode) const | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
DrawIKTarget(DebugRenderer *debug, const Vector3 &position, const Quaternion &rotation, bool oriented) const | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
DrawIKTarget(DebugRenderer *debug, const Node *node, bool oriented) const (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
enabled_ | Urho3D::Component | protected |
EnsureInitialized() (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
EraseEventHandler(ea::intrusive_list< EventHandler >::iterator handlerIter) | Urho3D::Object | private |
eventHandlers_ | Urho3D::Object | private |
FindEventHandler(StringHash eventType) | Urho3D::Object | private |
FindEventHandler(StringHash eventType) const | Urho3D::Object | inlineprivate |
FindNode(const IKNode &node) const | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
FindSpecificEventHandler(Object *sender) | Urho3D::Object | private |
FindSpecificEventHandler(Object *sender) const | Urho3D::Object | inlineprivate |
FindSpecificEventHandler(Object *sender, StringHash eventType) | Urho3D::Object | private |
FindSpecificEventHandler(Object *sender, StringHash eventType) const | Urho3D::Object | inlineprivate |
firstBoneName_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
frameOfReferenceNode_ (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | private |
GetAttribute(unsigned index) const | Urho3D::Serializable | |
GetAttribute(const ea::string &name) const | Urho3D::Serializable | |
GetAttributeDefault(unsigned index) const | Urho3D::Serializable | |
GetAttributeDefault(const ea::string &name) const | Urho3D::Serializable | |
GetAttributes() const | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
GetBlockEvents() const | Urho3D::Object | inline |
GetCategory() const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetComponent(StringHash type) const | Urho3D::Component | |
GetComponent() const | Urho3D::Component | |
GetContext() const | Urho3D::Object | inline |
GetDependencyNodes(ea::vector< Node * > &dest) | Urho3D::Component | virtual |
GetEffectiveScopeHint() const | Urho3D::Component | |
GetEventDataMap() const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetEventHandler() const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetEventSender() const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetFirstBoneName() const (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
GetFixedUpdateSource() | Urho3D::Component | protected |
GetFrameOfReferenceTransform() const (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | private |
GetFullNameDebug() const | Urho3D::Component | |
GetGlobalVar(StringHash key) const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetGlobalVars() const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetID() const | Urho3D::Component | inline |
GetIndexInParent() const | Urho3D::Component | |
GetInstanceDefault(const ea::string &name) const | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
GetMaxDistance(const IKTrigonometricChain &chain, float maxAngle) (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protectedstatic |
GetNode() const | Urho3D::Component | inline |
GetNumAttributes() const | Urho3D::Serializable | |
GetReflection() const | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
GetScene() const | Urho3D::Component | |
GetSecondBoneName() const (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
GetSubsystem(StringHash type) const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetSubsystem() const | Urho3D::Object | |
GetSubsystems() const | Urho3D::Object | private |
GetTargetName() const (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
GetType() const =0 | Urho3D::Object | pure virtual |
GetTypeInfo() const =0 | Urho3D::Object | pure virtual |
GetTypeInfoStatic() | Urho3D::Object | inlinestatic |
GetTypeName() const =0 | Urho3D::Object | pure virtual |
GetWeight() const (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
HasAuxiliaryData() const | Urho3D::Component | inlinevirtual |
HasEventHandlers() const | Urho3D::Object | inline |
HasScriptObject() const | Urho3D::RefCounted | inline |
HasSubscribedToEvent(StringHash eventType) const | Urho3D::Object | |
HasSubscribedToEvent(Object *sender, StringHash eventType) const | Urho3D::Object | |
id_ | Urho3D::Component | protected |
IKRotateTo(Context *context) (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | explicit |
IKSolverComponent(Context *context) (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | explicit |
Initialize(IKNodeCache &nodeCache) (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | |
InitializeNodes(IKNodeCache &nodeCache) override | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | privatevirtual |
instanceDefaultValues_ | Urho3D::Serializable | protected |
IsEnabled() const | Urho3D::Component | inline |
IsEnabledEffective() const | Urho3D::Component | |
IsInstanceOf(StringHash type) const =0 | Urho3D::Object | pure virtual |
IsInstanceOf() const | Urho3D::Object | inline |
IsScriptStrongRef() const | Urho3D::RefCounted | inline |
IsTemporary() const | Urho3D::Serializable | inline |
latestTargetPosition_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
Load(Deserializer &source) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
Load(const ea::string &resourceName) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
LoadFile(const ea::string &resourceName) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
LoadJSON(const JSONValue &source) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
LoadJSON(const ea::string &resourceName) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
LoadXML(const XMLElement &source) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
LoadXML(const ea::string &resourceName) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
networkUpdate_ | Urho3D::Component | protected |
node_ | Urho3D::Component | protected |
NotifyPositionsReady() (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | |
Object(Context *context) | Urho3D::Object | explicit |
OnEvent(Object *sender, StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData) | Urho3D::Object | virtual |
OnGetAttribute(const AttributeInfo &attr, Variant &dest) const | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
OnMarkedDirty(Node *node) | Urho3D::Component | protectedvirtual |
OnNodeSet(Node *previousNode, Node *currentNode) override | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protectedvirtual |
OnNodeSetEnabled(Node *node) | Urho3D::Component | protectedvirtual |
OnSceneSet(Scene *previousScene, Scene *scene) | Urho3D::Component | protectedvirtual |
OnSetAttribute(const AttributeInfo &attr, const Variant &src) | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
OnSetEnabled() | Urho3D::Component | inlinevirtual |
OnTreeDirty() | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | |
operator=(const RefCounted &rhs)=delete | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
refCount_ | Urho3D::RefCounted | private |
RefCounted() | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
RefCounted(const RefCounted &rhs)=delete | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
RefCountPtr() const | Urho3D::RefCounted | inline |
Refs() const | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
RegisterObject(Context *context) (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | static |
ReleaseRef() | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
Remove() | Urho3D::Component | |
RemoveEventSender(Object *sender) | Urho3D::Object | private |
RemoveInstanceDefault() | Urho3D::Serializable | |
ResetToDefault() | Urho3D::Serializable | |
Save(Serializer &dest) const override | Urho3D::Component | virtual |
SaveDefaultAttributes(const AttributeInfo &attr) const | Urho3D::Serializable | inlinevirtual |
SaveJSON(JSONValue &dest) const override | Urho3D::Component | virtual |
SaveXML(XMLElement &dest) const override | Urho3D::Component | virtual |
secondBoneName_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
SendEvent(StringHash eventType) | Urho3D::Object | |
SendEvent(StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData) | Urho3D::Object | |
SendEvent(StringHash eventType, const Args &... args) | Urho3D::Object | inline |
SendEvent(StringHash eventType, const VariantMap &eventData) | Urho3D::Object | |
Serializable(Context *context) | Urho3D::Serializable | explicit |
SerializeAuxiliaryData(Archive &archive) | Urho3D::Component | inlinevirtual |
SerializeInBlock(Archive &archive) override | Urho3D::Serializable | virtual |
SerializeInBlock(Archive &archive, bool serializeTemporary) (defined in Urho3D::Serializable) | Urho3D::Serializable | |
SetAttribute(unsigned index, const Variant &value) | Urho3D::Serializable | |
SetAttribute(const ea::string &name, const Variant &value) | Urho3D::Serializable | |
SetBlockEvents(bool block) | Urho3D::Object | inline |
SetEnabled(bool enable) | Urho3D::Component | |
SetFirstBoneName(const ea::string &name) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
SetFrameOfReference(Node *node) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
SetFrameOfReference(const IKNode &node) (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
SetGlobalVar(StringHash key, const Variant &value) | Urho3D::Object | |
SetID(unsigned id) | Urho3D::Component | protected |
SetInstanceDefault(bool enable) | Urho3D::Serializable | inline |
SetInstanceDefault(const ea::string &name, const Variant &defaultValue) | Urho3D::Serializable | |
setInstanceDefault_ | Urho3D::Serializable | protected |
SetNode(Node *node) | Urho3D::Component | protected |
SetParentAsFrameOfReference(const IKNode &childNode) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | protected |
SetSecondBoneName(const ea::string &name) (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
SetTargetName(const ea::string &name) (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
SetTemporary(bool enable) | Urho3D::Serializable | |
SetWeight(float weight) (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | inline |
Solve(const IKSettings &settings, float timeStep) (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | |
SolveInternal(const Transform &frameOfReference, const IKSettings &settings, float timeStep) override (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | privatevirtual |
solverNodes_ (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | private |
SubscribeToEvent(StringHash eventType, T handler) | Urho3D::Object | inline |
SubscribeToEvent(Object *sender, StringHash eventType, T handler) | Urho3D::Object | inline |
SubscribeToEventManual(StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler) | Urho3D::Object | |
SubscribeToEventManual(Object *sender, StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler) | Urho3D::Object | |
target_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
targetName_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
temporary_ | Urho3D::Serializable | protected |
TypeHierarchy | Urho3D::Object | inlinestatic |
UnsubscribeFromAllEvents() | Urho3D::Object | |
UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept(const ea::vector< StringHash > &exceptions) | Urho3D::Object | |
UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept(const ea::vector< Object * > &exceptions) | Urho3D::Object | |
UnsubscribeFromEvent(StringHash eventType) | Urho3D::Object | |
UnsubscribeFromEvent(Object *sender, StringHash eventType) | Urho3D::Object | |
UnsubscribeFromEvents(Object *sender) | Urho3D::Object | |
UpdateChainLengths(const Transform &inverseFrameOfReference) override (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | privatevirtual |
URHO3D_OBJECT(IKRotateTo, IKSolverComponent) (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
WeakRefs() const | Urho3D::RefCounted | |
weight_ (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | private |
~Component() override | Urho3D::Component | |
~IKRotateTo() override (defined in Urho3D::IKRotateTo) | Urho3D::IKRotateTo | |
~IKSolverComponent() override (defined in Urho3D::IKSolverComponent) | Urho3D::IKSolverComponent | |
~Object() override | Urho3D::Object | |
~RefCounted() | Urho3D::RefCounted | virtual |
~Serializable() override | Urho3D::Serializable |